Adoption (10)

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Leah's P.O.V.

It was around the middle of 5th grade when Jack got called to the front office, and didn't come back.

"Mrs Saommos?" I asked, walking up to her desk during recess.

"What is it?" She replied, looking down at me from above the rim of her glasses.

"Is Jack okay? What did the office need him for, because he didn't come back yesterday."

"I don't know what happened dear."

A week later, Jack showed back up again. But he looked different. I tried to walk up to him, and talk to him, but he ignored me and shuffled off.

Brock's P.O.V.

Jack was gone for a week, and then he was ignoring both me and Anna for another 3 days. He looked so sad, never talked in class anymore, and stopped eating at lunch.

When Thursday came around I had had enough. I walked right up to Jack, pulled him into the gym equipment closet, flicked on the light, and locked the door behind us.

"What do you wan-" Jack started, but his voice broke, and he started crying. I wrapped my arms around him, and let him cry for a moment before softly asking him what was wrong.

"My-my parents..." I pushed Jack up, making him look into my eyes.

"What happened."

"I got called to the office, and was met by one of my dads friends. Who brought me to his office. He's a lawyer; both of my parents use him as their lawyer, and he told me took me back to my house where he sat me down and told me-"

'Will Brock Ravenger and Jack Kreezy come to the front office please? Brock Ravenger and Jack Kreezy, please come to the front office.'

"Guess we should, um..." I offered, unlocking the closet door.

When the two of us got to the office we were met by my parents and the lawyer guy Jack was talking about.

"Aah there they are." Dad said, as the two of us came in. He lead us outside, where we met mom, and walked to the park next to the school.

"Okay," Mom said, as the four of us sat down on a bench. "So we need to talk about something. Brock, as you know, Jack hasn't been at school for a while. And that's becasu-" But Jack cut her off.

"Can I tell him? Please?" Mom nodded, and Jack continued her sentence. "My parents are dead." I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands. "They got into a car wreck on the way to work, and they're dead." Jack was crying as he spoke, so I gave him a big side hug.

"And Brock, before a person dies, they write something called a will. In the will they say lots of important things like, who's going to get their house, and their cars if they die." Dad explained. "Also included is information about who's going to take care of their kids. And in Jack's parents will, they said that they would like us to take care of Jack if they were to die. So, we wanted to ask how you would react to us adopting Jack."

I looked over at Jack who's expression had completely changed. He looked scared, excited, and right into my eyes, waiting for my answer. "So we're going to be brothers now? For real?" I asked.

Jack nodded. "For real." We hugged again, and my parents seemed satisfied with my not answering.

"You two run along back to class, and we'll get it all set up. You and Jack walk home together today okay?" Mom said, standing up.

"Okay," I agreed.


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