Just a quick an before this starts. This is a 2 (Maybe 3) parter. I am working on the wedding it's just takin forever, sorry about that. I'm also working on a few other ones, and a few 2nd parters they're just taking a while. Also, this is a thick one. So, buckle up. We get into some... interesting things here ;)
Ellie's P.O.V.
"Please, I need your help." The girl pleaded. She can't have been older than 6.
"Where are your parents?" Gibbs asked, not making an attempt to soften his voice.
"I-I-I don't know! They-they weren't at home. And, and they told me to come here if anything ever happened to me. They told me to find... to find-" But the girl couldn't say the name before gulping down air.
"Who was it? Who did your mom and dad tell you to find?" Tim asked, crossing his arms.
"Someone, someone named L-Leah D-DiNozzo." She replied. My eyes went wide. I didn't know this girl. How did she know me?
"Leah DiNozzo?" I asked in clarification. To which the girl nodded.
"Do you know her?" She sounded so lost and upset.
"That's my name."
-30 Minutes Earlier-
"Morning Mr Gibbs!" I greeted brightly, setting a half-eaten muffin on my desk.
"Leah, don't call me Mr Gibbs. It's... weird." He insisted.
"Oh, right, sorry." I turned on my computers, and booted up my laptop. I entered all my different passwords that was actually just the same password for all of them but I'll never tell people that. : )
And, if you're wondering about the fact that dad and I never come in together, it's because a) we're never ready at the same time. And b) you never know when you'll need 2 cars. And c) Neither of us really want to.
"Hi Leah! Gibbs," Tim greeted, coming in too, holding a cup of probably tea.
"Hiya," I said back lamely.
"I just don't see how you've gone so long without seeing it." Dad's voice said from the elevator.
"I just prefer to read books rather than watch the movies." Ziva argued back, setting her backpack down behind her chair.
"Why can't you just do both?" I asked, leaning against the cubical wall. "That's what I do a lot. Then again, the movie isn't often as good as the book. For example, the Maze Runner movie went in a completely different direction than the book on everything after Teresa came up. And I personally prefer the book way. It's just better to me. But movies like Pride and Prejudice, I prefer the movie because the dialect is hard for me to read."
Dad looked at me and raised his eyebrows chuckling. "Or you could just watch the movie."
"OR just read the book!" Ziva countered.
"What if you read the script?" Tim offered.
"OH! I love reading scripts." I agreed, to which dad and Ziva looked at us incredulously.
"You two are so just-" Dad and Ziva said together. We don't have a case today, so we were just kind of hanging out. I think Gibbs was doing paperwork, ect.
"help me!" Someone yelled down the hall a while later. I looked up, and being the closest to the mouth of the cubical at the time, moved my hand toward my knife, and walked toward the hall. Someone -probably a kid- ran past me.
"Hey, hey, hey." I said, gently grabbing the kids shoulder. The kid -who I now found was female- was in hysterics. She looked about 5 or 6. So -after double checking that there was no one following her- I lead her to our cubical.

I'm a DiNozzo
FanfictionNCIS Agent Anthony DiNozzo has a secret. He hasn't told anyone. But he has a daughter. Not even his boss Leroy Jethro Gibbs knows. Tony's wife Hope, passed right after his daughter was born. No one knows about that either. Except for one... I do no...