Hello (4)

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Ellies's name might get just a bit confusing here so let me explain something:
Ellies full name is Elioriana Taylor DiNozzo.
Tony and Abby call her Ellie: ELIoriana
Brock + Mystery Character call her Ana: elioriANA
Most regular people call her Leah: eLIoriAna
In public she assumes the alias DiNi for security
Hope that helps!

Tony's P.O.V.

"Ellie, you ready to go home?" I asked, crouching down behind her. Ellie had been at play group/day care for the last 10 hours. She was playing with these little coloured shapes. There were tan elongated diamonds, blue regular diamonds, yellow hexagons, and red triangles.

"DADA!!" She said excitedly, turning to look at me, and wrapping her little arms around my neck.

"Hey there squirt!" I said happily, chuckling, and hugging her back. "You ready to go?"

"Ya huh!" She agreed. Why do little kids always sound so excited?

"Oh, Mr DiNi, could I speak to you for a moment please?" Holly -the daycare runner- asked. Leah DiNi was the name Ellie went by because of security reasons- it was Hopes idea.

"What's going on?" I asked, picking Ellie up, holding her on my hip -Abby taught me how- and following Holly to the side of the room.

"I wanted to talk to you about Leah."

"What have you been doing squirt?" I asked playfully, wiggling my fingers on her stomach. She giggled and nuzzled her face into my shoulder.

"No no no, it's nothing negative. Leah's actually a really positive person. But she always plays by herself." Ellie was squirming, so I put her down. "And I've noticed she can't sit still."

"ADHD," I replied immediately. "It's in the file."

"Oh, right." Holly said before chuckling dryly. "Anyway, what I wanted to talk to you about is that Leah, is very intelligent. She shines in math. She can count far past what is normal for a 4 year old. The highest I've heard her go is 400. During nap time once, she just went at it."

"Sounds like my kid. She got into math at a really young age. I work for the government and do math all the time. She started doing it with me. And she's pretty good."

"Pretty good? She's amazing for a 4 year old." Holly said, smiling. "Leah!" She called, making my little brown-red headed girl run back up to us.

"Che cos'è?" (What is it; Italian) She replied.

"I forgot that too. She knows some Italian! Don't tell anyone, but she might be my favourite." Holly whispered to me with a wink. I smiled back.

"She's my favourite too." I replied, also whispering, which made Holly laugh.

"Anyways, Leah darling?"

"Yea‽" She replied, locking eyes with Holly who had crouched down to meet Ellie's eye level.

"You're really good at math you know."

Ellie giggled, and grabbed my leg. "I like math. It's lots of fun!"


"Ya huh!"

"What's 3 times 3?"

After only about 3 seconds of thinking. "9!" Holly looked up at me after we gave Ellie a few more things to solve.

"She's amazing. Leah, you can go keep playing." Holly said shaking her head, and Leah ran off to where there was a little tower of all of the coloured shapes. "So, what I wanted to talk about, is that I want to recommend her for Kindergarten."

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