Let's just get to it.
No prestory
Let's just go.Leah's P.O.V.
It had been 12 weeks since I got shot. Would I like to go through it again? No. Would I save Kaylee like that again? In a heartbeat. I was in the hospital for 7 days, and when I got released... pure... happiness. I had just gotten out of the sling my arm was in, and had limited arm movement. Orchestra was a bore. I just sat there.Plus, I was right handed, so I had to type everything. I got online versions of everything, and filled them out like that. I didn't remember a lot of what happened in the hospital because of the pain medications.
What I did know, was that a week after I got out of the sling... things started to go downhill again.
2 armed women, both in black, ran into my AP stat class. "Everybody in the gym. NOW!" One of them shouted. I thrust my left hand into my pocket, and ran into the gym, only 2 halls away. I pulled my left hand out, and tried to hit the distress button on the watch dad gave me. But another woman -also dressed in all black- snatched the watch off of my wrist.
"Nah ah ah!" She said tauntingly, before slapping me in the face, and pushing me towards the gym.
"ALRIGHT!" One of the women in black said when everyone was in the gym. "We have in tell that someone in this room is related to a federal officer." Seriously? I thought. Can I not get a break?
No one answered. Obviously I didn't admit to the prompt. "We'll do this the hard way then." Another woman said, grabbing a random person from the crowd, and dragging her up to the stage. "If no one speaks up, she dies." The woman says, putting the gun she was holding to the girls temple.
It was Kaylee. Seriously? SERIOUSLY! SERIOUSLY!! Like, the heck was happening this year! Like... what the flip. To be honest, I would've spoken up for anyone even if it wasn't Kaylee. But really? This poor kid needs better friends.
"5 seconds to save your friend." The woman said. "5," Nothing. "4," Silence. "3," Still nothing. "2!" The woman undid the safety. "on-"
"WAIT!" I screamed, standing up. The women had made us all sit on the floor. "It's me!" I screamed honestly. I couldn't see Kaylee get hurt. The woman holding Kaylee, pushed her away, and pointed at me.
"Grab her," She instructed lazily. I was roughly tugged by my short hair up to the stage. "What's your name?" She asked me, crossing her arms.
"Elioriana DiNi," I replied confidently, less than a second after she asked. Someone slapped me across the face. So hard that it sent me to my knees.
"Get up." The woman commanded me, so I did so. I stand tall, looking the woman dead in the eyes. "Don't. Lie. To. Me. What. Is. Your. Name."
First the NCIS agents not believing my name, now these women. Since when did my name start being so unbelievable?
"Elioriana DiNi." I say again more forcefully this time, receiving another slap to the face, but I kept on my feet.
"I'll give you one more chance." The woman says threateningly.
"Elioriana... DiNozzo." I said, defeated.
"Good girl." She says mockingly. "Now, We're going to make a little video for your federal parent." She says, holding a phone.
"What do I say?" I ask, pressing my fingernails into my other forearm.
"Don't worry about that. You only have to prove it's actually you." The woman says tauntingly. The woman walks over to me, her heels click, click, clicking with every step she takes. She starts a video, and greets the camera.

I'm a DiNozzo
FanfictionNCIS Agent Anthony DiNozzo has a secret. He hasn't told anyone. But he has a daughter. Not even his boss Leroy Jethro Gibbs knows. Tony's wife Hope, passed right after his daughter was born. No one knows about that either. Except for one... I do no...