Psycho (Asking Pt. 2)(21)

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Jack's P.O.V.

I smiled at it. She really did frame all my letters. Wow. And I did eventually figure out how to spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and spaghetti. Eventually.

Took me a while.

But I got it...


Did I seriously not know how to spell. Spegetti? Frick, I mean Spagetti. Wait... Dang it. You know what, I give up.

I smiled again, ran a hand through my light brown -kinda blonde- hair, which was getting blonder and blonder the more the sun was shining. Then I remembered why I was here. I shook my head, and walked back to the elevator.

Before I could hit the button, Gibbs walked in. "Jack, you're back from Russia." He observed, holding his hand out for me to shake. But I still had the ring box in my hand. So I had to switch hands with the ring before shaking his hand. "How was the Navy?"

"It was good, yeah. Where did you tour in again?"

"Kuait, I was in Desert Storm."

"We studied that operation. It inspired some of our Iran tactics"

"Oh, that's right, Leah said you got deployed somewhere else. I assume you're here for her?" He asked.

"Ugh... not today actually. Today, I'm here for Tony and Abby."

"Aaah, got ya." ... "Who's the ring for? Leah I assume."

"Yeah, yeah it is. I'm gonna propose to her." I explained, twisting my ring box in my hands.

"Don't get married, it's a waste of time. It always ends badly. But I have hope for you." My breathing quickened and my legs started to bounce like they always did when I got nervous. "You'll probably be fine. You're pretty much all she talks about."

"So you're okay with it?"

"Yeah I am. As long as you don't get captured and make her run off trying to save you."




"That really is something that she would do isn't it?"

"Yeah, yeah it is. So don't let her."

"I won't get captured and make her come after me." I promised.

"And, don't break her heart."

"Of course not."

"Do you have a ring?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Good. Don't lose it."

"I'll try not to." I offered, stepping out onto the floor where the forensics lab was.

"Good luck."

"Probably won't help me much."

"Probably not." Gibbs agreed easily, the elevator doors closing in front of him again. I took a deep breath before entering the lab.

"Hey Abby?" I said tentatively, after checking to make sure Anna was no where to be found. 

"Yeah?" She replied, not looking up from her microscope.

"Could I talk to you for a minute? Like... alone? In private?"  I asked, rubbing the top of the ring box. It was kinda fuzzy, and not gonna lie I really liked rubbing it. It felt really nice.

"Yeah just a secoooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd," She insisted, drawing out the vowel, then the consonant. "Hey, give me the... test tube with the blue liquid inside. She said, snapping her fingers at me, and but looking up from her microscope.

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