Keep It Together (Part 3)

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Leah's P.O.V.

And then the phone rang.

I stood up, my knee popping in mild protest I picked up the phone to hear a voice I didn't recognize.

"Hello Leah DiNozzo."

"Um, sorry do I know you?"

The man chuckled darkly, "No. But I do know you. Put me on speaker will you? I want to speak to your... future daughter." His guttural voice was off-putting, but I hit speaker.

"Okay, continue."

"Aah, little Laurel Bell." Laurel perked up, confused about who was saying her name. "What happened to your parents dearie?" Jack motioned to her, and she dashed over as fast as she could; not replying to the man. He chuckled again, his voice getting gruffer.

"I hope you enjoyed my little display with the fire. It really was beautiful wasn't it? The way that the colours mix together, leap, and dance with each other. Mesmerizing huh?" Laurels eyes widened, her nostrils flaring, and tears rolling down her cheeks, some hitting the corners of her mouth. "Anyways, I realized that the only way that I could have the place that I deserve in your parents company, is to take matters into my own hands!"

He sounded... excited. Evil, psychotic, and triumphant. Never a good sign. I made eye contact with Gibbs and signed to him that he needs to track the call, which he told McGee silently. McGee started to type as fast and as silently as possible.

"SO!" He started laughing like a psychopath. "I DID! HAHA! I LITERALLY TOOK MATTERS INTO MY OWN HANDS!! Want to see what I mean?" There was the ugly sound of a something breaking the skin, and then 2 screams at once. I immediately hit disconnect, and ran back over to Laurel: Who had obviously recognized the scream of her mother and father.

Why had I put the phone on speaker in the first place. That was so incredibly stupid. I knew I shouldn't've done it. Laurel was frozen in place, Jacks arms around her waist. A mixture of tear and mucus tracks covered her face. Jack however seemed unaffected.

I surrounded them both in my long arms, and felt Laurels face plant itself in my chest. The first thing I did after telling this little 7yo I would be her new mother, was... not in any ways the greatest to say the least.

"That was so dumb of me," I whispered directly into Jack's ear.

"I agree, but I'm not gonna say it." He whispered back.

"McGee where'd it come from?" Gibbs asked. I felt Laurel switch her head from my chest to Jacks, so I stood up to look at McGee's computer screen.

"Well he wasn't trying too hard to mask where his signal was coming from, so I do have an address."

"Where is it?" Gibbs and I asked at the same time.

"It's the abandoned wear house building off of 7th and Acher." I started gathering my things together, but Gibbs put a hand on my arm.

"I want you to sit this one out."

"He*l no." I replied.

"Leah, remember rule 10; Ne-" And I snapped. I practically teleported across the room, and was less than 2 inches from Gibbs's face.

"You have to be drunk, high, and dead if you think that I'm sitting this out. I don't give a single flyin rubber duck about your opinion is, I don't give half of a burnt apple pie what you have to say. Those are my parents-in-law. And the biological mother and father of my daughter. I learned under Ziva David, and have more weapons on me at this moment than you can count; assuming you're as stupid as you're acting. If you so much as attempt to keep me from going to that wear house, I will not hesitate to go full on 'Viva la France' all over you. Don't play with me child. Because in the end, it'll be me who walks away, and your body I leave bleeding all over the awful carpet in here."

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