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Ellie's P.O.V.

Freshman freshman freshman!

Don't we all love being freshmen‽


APWH is my first AP class, and it's driving me nuts. There's so much textbook work, which our teacher never freaking tells us about.

The tests have nothing to do with the notes, and nothing to do with what we talked about in class. 

One day in January, we were taking a test on Latin America and something we never talked about that apparently we were supposed to already know even though it was never mentioned.

And I got... a 4 out of 11! With 3 points yet to be graded. Hurray.

"What did you get?" I asked Brock as we walked home.

"An A." He replied easily.

"What about you?" I asked, turning to Jack who was on my other side.

"A B." He replied with Brocks same happiness. I growled, and my steps stiffened somewhat.

"Why, what happened to you?"

"I, got a 4 out of 11!" I replied, mocking their joy. "With 3 points yet to be graded!"

"Oh, I'm sorry Anna." The two of them said at the same time.

"No, it-it's fine. It's just that. Urgh! Every single time! It doesn't matter how freaking hard I study, or how much time I spend with whatever subject it is, I always do so f'n bad on the tests and quizzes! It's always freaking been that way." I ranted all the way as the three of us walked back to the Ravengers place.

"And I just... URGH." I finished, pulling on my hair, and setting my backpack down next to the red front door.

"You know what, come 'ere." Brock insisted, waving the two of us up the stairs. But I didn't move. For some reason my knees wouldn't work. So Jack pulled my up onto his back, and carried me up. Not sure why I let him... Maybe it was because I liked the smell of his shampoo though... And maybe because I wanted to feel his hair brush against my skin...

maybe I had a bit of a crush on Jack...

And, he was pretty comfortable for a 15 year old. Not that Brock isn't a comfortable 15 year old... 

Jack sat me on the bed, and Brock threw a pillow at me.

"Punch it." He insisted.

So... I did.

"It's not doing anything." I replied, trying again.

"No, you need something that'll break." 

"I don't like breaking things. It makes me feel weird."

"Nah, it's fine. I've got some old clay projects you can smash."

"No no no no no no no no no," Jack disagreed, putting a pencil in my hand. "Break it."



"Somehow yes."

"Y'all wanna play something?"

"How about Jenga?" It was somewhat of a tradition for s to play Jenga. Not sure why, or how it got to be that way, but Jenga is like... our thing.


You probably can't tell that I wrote this out of rage...

I know nothing about this experience because I'm perfect...


XD Yeah sure we'll go with that.

Good day/night/afternoon/life/experience/whatever.

-Eliza <3

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