Ellie's P.O.V.
"Henry the 8th?" I asked into my phone confused."Yeah," Rylee agreed. Rylee and I had met 2 months ago, and had been talking ever since. "What do you know about him?"
"Let me think for a second." I insisted. "Let's talk about something else while I think." I was walking up and down a fallen tree in my backyard, and had just reached the end. I turned on one foot, and started walking the other way.
"Okay, what about this. What's the square root of 3 plus 45 times 2?"
"Where are the commas? Is it the square root of 48? Or the square root of 3, then plus 45?"
"Square root of three, then plus 45, then times 2."
"Okay, well, the square root of 3 is about 1.7 right? 1.7 plus 45 is 46.7. And 46.7 times 2 is..." I held out the s while I thought for a second. "93.4? Double check me on that."
"Nah," Rylee disagreed. "It doesn't have to be right, just done."
I laughed. "I respect that. And to be completely honest, I did that the-" I started to say before cutting myself off. "OH!" I shouted. "HENRY THE 8TH WAS KING OF ENGLAND IN 1472 AND STARTED A RELIGION TO ESCAPE HIS WIFE!"
"Stop shouting Leah," He insisted. Did I mention Rylee was a he?
"Sorry, I just got excited."
4 Days Later
Abby's P.O.V.
I was running the physical evidence found on the trash around the body when I got a match on the fingerprints from the knife found still in the body.I turned, to my computer to see the face of someone I knew on the screen. "No!" I gasped. I breathed shakily, and I dropped my Caf-Pow!, causing it to spill all over the floor. I heard someone come in behind me.
"What do you got A-" McGee started but then he stopped in his tracks. "A-Abby did-did is-is-" He stuttered pointing to my computer screen.
"Yeah," I agreed, my hands fidgeting with each other. "I- I must have messed up or something." I insisted, going back to my computer, and starting to type again.
"Abs, what do you got?" Another voice asked, approaching.
"Uhhh-" I started before a sharp inhale broke my concentration. It was Tony who had come in second.
"I'm gonna kill her." He whispered, pulling out her phone.
Tony's P.O.V.
I hit 2, and Ellie picked up after only a single ring. "Yellow?" She said happily, dragging out the 'y' a bit."What the heck is wrong with you?" I hissed into the phone.
Ellie was silent for a second, and I could hear her confusion. "What?"
"I asked what the heck was wrong with you."
"... Sorry?" I heard another voice from the other side of the phone. 'What's going on?' The voice asked. 'Nothing, don't worry about it. Just go collect the crochet hooks'. Ellie insisted, poorly covering up the voice receiver. "What was that dad?" She asked, talking directly into the voice receiver now.
"Where are you?"
"Rylee's," Ellie replied, "We're working on a-"
"Stay where you are." I insisted hissing, almost spitting.
"Okay," She agreed, still confused.
"What do you got Abs?" Gibbs asked behind me.
"If one more person asks me that today I'm going to lose it." Abby said, putting her hands on either side of her temples. I flipped my phone closed, and stared at the screen.

I'm a DiNozzo
أدب الهواةNCIS Agent Anthony DiNozzo has a secret. He hasn't told anyone. But he has a daughter. Not even his boss Leroy Jethro Gibbs knows. Tony's wife Hope, passed right after his daughter was born. No one knows about that either. Except for one... I do no...