Lil' Bit of Info

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^^^ This is how Ellie signs things quickly

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^^^ This is how Ellie signs things quickly. It's not her formal signature, it's like her initials. It's like, when you take forms home for your parents to sign, and they just put their initials on it. It's like that, but she also signs work papers like that sometimes, when they're not super formal yk? The onto to the right (top I guess) is what it is before she gets married, the other one is what it was after she got married, and the break down of it.

 It's like that, but she also signs work papers like that sometimes, when they're not super formal yk? The onto to the right (top I guess) is what it is before she gets married, the other one is what it was after she got married, and the break dow...

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^^^ This is Ellie's formal signature, before and after she gets married.

^^^ This is Ellie's general handwriting, it's the same as mine, and it's pretty cool

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^^^ This is Ellie's general handwriting, it's the same as mine, and it's pretty cool.

I dunno, I've been trying to develop Ellie's signature for a while, and I figured it out last night with the help of my sister.

Now, a few announcements, a few chapters that are in the works, the wedding, prom, flashback, familiarity, Vermont, and I think that's it. If you don't know what all of the chapters are gonna be, great! If you do (And I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who does) great! I'm really excited to be releasing some more stuff!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand a tagged I've been putting off.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand a tagged I've been putting off

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30. How many pillows do you sleep with?

There are 5 pillows on my bed, but I only sleep with 2 most of the time... Unless I curl up into a little ball and have a pillow in the ball. Or my back pain gets really bed, and I have a pillow between my legs... So it really depends on the day.

31. How many positions do you sleep in?

Mainly a fetal position, or just on my side -typically left.

32. How big is your house?

There are 7 of us, so it's a 3 story, 4 bed, 3.5 bath.

33. What do you typically eat for breakfast?

I don't eat breakfast on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but I do most Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays after getting back from 7am church. And it's typically a Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwich.

34. Have you ever fired a gun?

I have!

35. Have you ever tried archery?

Also, yes!

36. Favourite clean word?

Go. Go is a great word.

37. Favourite swear word?

I don't swear so...

38. Longest you've ever gone without sleep?

I dunno. A while... I don't really keep track.

39. Do you have any scars?

I do! 6 actually. I have one on my back from falling down a 45 ft hill, one between two of my toes from kicking a sheet of glass, one on my temple from my glasses cutting into my skin on a trampoline (Now I have contacts), one on my leg from using a razor improperly as a 9 year old (It was my sister, but I thought I was old enough to use it... I was wrong), and I have one on my arm from something I can't remember. And one on my lip from crawling into a coffee table as a little little kid.

40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?

Yes, only 2 that I know of, but you can't know who.

41. Are you a good liar?

Yes, I am actually. Mainly because I don't lie a lot, and have a convincing voice.

42. Are you a good judge of character?

I like to think so.

43. Can you do any accents other than your own?

I can do a half-decent Irish one.

44. Do you have a strong accent?

I don't think so. Then again, it's mine so I can't tell.

45. What's your favourite accent?

S C O T T I S H, A N D I R I S H <3

46.What's your personality type?

I have no idea. But I based Ellie's off of my own, if that tells you anything.

 47. What's your most expensive piece of clothing?


48. Can you curl/roll your tongue?

I can actually!

49. Are you an innie or an outtie? 


50. Left or right handed?

I write with my right hand, but I do more with my left hand.

51. Are you scared of spiders?

No, I just don't like them.

52. Favourite food?





















Real update coming tomorrow probably!


Have a good rest of your day!!


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