They're After Me? (Part 2) (16)

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This is Part 2 to NCIS. Let's go!

Kate Todd's P.O.V.
I walked into the NCIS building, hoping we would crack this case today. I stepped out of the elevator, and walked to the desks belonging to my team: I mean, the team I was on.

I expected to be the first person there, but I wasn't. It was 5:37 in the morning, who on Earth would come in earlier than that? There was a person sitting at Tony's desk. But it wasn't Tony, it was a girl. I would put her age at around 15 or 16, with shoulder length red-brown hair, and a yellow top. I had never seen her before, but something about her seemed familiar.

She was looking down at something in her lap: the sound of the pages turning clued me in on the fact that she was reading.

"Who are you?" I asked, setting my coat around the back of my chair. The girl didn't answer, just kept reading. "What are you reading?" I asked, sitting in my chair, and turning on my computers. The girl held up her book so I could see the cover. "That's perfectly reasonable," I read out loud. What an awful name for a book, I thought. But the girl seemed to enjoy it.

The girl didn't reply to any of my other questions, just kept reading.

Thankfully Gibbs came in about 10 minutes after I did. "Morning Kate," He said distractedly, setting his things on his desk. I walked over to him, and placed my hands behind his computers.

"Do you know her?" I asked, jerking my head back at the girl, still sitting at Tony's desk. Gibbs looked up, obviously confused.

"No, do you?" He replied.

I scoffed. "Of course not. I wouldn't've asked if I already knew." Gibbs stood up, and walked over to the girl. "She seems so familiar though..."

"What's your name?" He asked. No reply from the girl. "Hey!" Gibbs said louder, hitting the desk with his hand. The girl jumped about a foot into the air, and looked up at last. "What's your name?" Gibbs asked again.

"L- Elioriana," The girl replied, clearly scared. I walked till I was next to Gibbs, and crossed my arms. "But you can call me Leah. Or, my dad calls me Ellie, Brock and Jack call me Ana, and Kaylee calls me Lori, so really you can call me whatever you want." The girl finished, placing a piece of string in her book to mark her spot. She -Leah- sat her book in Tony's chair, and held a hand out to Gibbs.

"Got a last name, Leah?" Gibbs asked, in the most Gibbs-like voice.

"I-" She stuttered. "DiNi."

"I don't believe you." Gibbs insisted. But I was confused. This girl -Leah- had no reason to lie to us.

"I-" She stuttered again. "It's- it's DiNozzo,"

"Wait a moment," I insisted. Leah put her hand down after it was obvious that Gibbs wasn't going to shake it. "You're related to Tony?" I asked bewildered.

"Tony's my dad." Leah replied. Gibbs and I made eye contact, both of us looking confused. "I'm in trouble aren't I?" Leah asked. Even her voice gave me de-ja-vous

"Not that I'm aware of," Gibbs said, walking over to his desk.

"You're not going to investigate this further?" I asked, looking over at Gibbs.

"Not till DiNozzo gets here." Gibbs replied. Leah looked closely at me for a second, then her eyes lit up in understanding. She walked around Tony's desk,

"How are you Kate?" She asked.

"Alright, how are you?"

"Confused. But I've heard so much about you!" She exclaimed, before walking over to Gibbs' desk. "And you're Gibbs... right?" She asked. Gibbs looked up from his computer, and said 'yes' as if it was obvious.

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