A ok day

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This is you,

I got up and showered

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I got up and showered. I did my make up and then put on my work clothes. I went and had breakfast. I grabbed my bag and went to work. I walked in and put my stuff away. Then my phone was ringing. It was Antonio. I answered it.

Kendra: Hello?
Antonio: Hey baby.
Kendra: Oh hey.
Antonio: Are you at work already?
Kendra: Yeah
Antonio: Aw sorry babe I tried to get back
Kendra: It's ok
Antonio: I have great news. Can't wait to tell you.
Kendra: Oh Jee what is it?
Antonio: Can't say.
Kendra: Why?
Antonio: Love you
Kendra: Love you to.

He hung up. I went into the garage and sat down.

Severide: Parker.

I looked over.

Severide: Let's go for a ride.

I put on my pants and boots and got into the truck.

Capp: Where are we going.
Severide: Tony knows and it stays that way till we get there.

He drove. We pulled up to district 21.

Severide: Parker.

I looked at him.

Severide: Let's go inside.

I got out. We went in.

Severide: Excuse me? I'm Kelly Severide.
?: Nice to meet you Kelly. I'm Trudy Platt.
Kendra: Kendra Parker
Trudy: I know you. Voight talks about you.
Severide: We'd like to speak with him.
Trudy: Ok.
Kendra: I thought he was in jail.
Trudy: He got out. He's upstairs with his new team. 

We followed her.

Trudy: Hey Hank.

I stepped on the final step. Just as he turned around.

Hank: Hey.

He came and hugged me.

Erin: Hey sis

I hugged her to.

Hank: How've you been?
Kendra: Good.
Hank: That's good.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw two people walk in.

Antonio: Kendra?

I looked over.

Kendra: Hey Antonio.
Antonio: What are you doing here?
Severide: I wanted to talk with Hank.
Antonio: Oh.

Hank and Severide went into the office. Erin pulled me aside.

Erin: He doesn't know?
Kendra: That Voights my dad? Hell no he doesn't know.
Erin: You two have been together for three years. Tell him.
Kendra: He hates him. I don't want him to hate me to.
Erin: Tell him or I will.
Kendra: Ok.

The way things go ~~ a Antonio Dawson storyWhere stories live. Discover now