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Highschool Au

"And stay down!"

Teeny (Mega's opposite) grunted as he hit the floor. He looked up at the other male that gave him a smirk.

"Can't defend yourself without your teddy bear?" He laughed.

Teeny frowned and stared up at him. He clenched his fists in anger. He always had his friend by his side. But since he wasn't here now, he was alone and defenseless.

Teeny stood up and glared at the bully.

"What? You gonna punch me with those weak hands?" He taunted.

Teeny couldn't take anymore and went in for a kick.


"Young man! You need to stop getting into fights!" Ms. Alexia shouted.

Teeny flinched from her words and stared at the ground.

"But it was hi—"

"Shut it. We're gonna have to talk to your parents if this continues. You are now dismissed."

Teeny walked away and towards his locker, not realizing that hazel eyes were following him.

"They don't listen to me, they never do," Teeny growled.

He got to his locker and grabbed his backpack. Getting ready to leave.

"I wonder where Teddy is..."


Teeny jumped in surprise and looked down. Seeing the shorter but older boy looking up at him.

"You alright?" He asked.

Teeny smiled softly.

"I'm perfectly fine."

"If you're in trouble, don't be afraid to call me. We did promise to protect each other," Teddy said with a monotone voice.

Teeny sighed and looked at him with guilt.

"I-I'll try next time, I promise."

They locked pinkies to seal the promise.

"Good. Now let's get home before Jef starts worrying."

"Okay!" Teeny followed after him.

//le next day//

"I see you're still alone."

"Justin not now—"

Teeny got pushed onto the ground. A thud was heard as he landed harshly on his bottom.

"Justin! Could you just stop bullying me?!" Teeny yelled.

Justin looked down at him.

"Nah, it's just fun seeing you get hurt."

A small figure turned the corner and stopped. Staring wide eyed at what was happening.


The mentioned male turned around and saw the smaller male.

"Hah! So you want a beating too?"


"Ugh! I'll get you next time," Justin growled, before running away. Not wanting to deal with Teddy's wrath.

Teddy sighed and rubbed his hands from the soreness. He looked over at Teeny who was smiling brightly.

Teeny got up and pounces into Teddy. Hugging him close and tight.

"This is why I call you my best friend!"

"I'll always be here for you."

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