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Good? What an odd nickname. Wait but they're a prince? Their hair seemed so fluffy.

"Woah an actual prince.."

"Yes, and may I ask why you and your friend came to visit?" The prince scoffed, seeming to be offended that a bunch of 'peasants' broke in.

"Well.. we were- well I was dared to spend a night here."

Good cocked his brow.

"Really now? Then let's go find your friends. And you're only staying for one night, and then it's out you go."

We both nodded in understanding. He then led us away and back to the living room where Nightmare and George were still at, now snacking on popcorn and crackers.

"Hey guys," Nightmare waved, taking another bite of the cracker, "Met Good too?"


The both of us sat down, leaving Good the only one who was standing up.

"You do realize that we can sleep in my bedroom, correct?"

"Oh c'mon! So we set all this up for nothing?!" George spat, angered as he sat up and grabbed the bag of popcorn.

We ended up picking up all of our stuff back and following the ghost prince to what I assumed was his bedroom. And like everything we saw before, it was still oddly clean and tidy. The ghost prince went over and sat down on his bed.

"Let's continue playing truth or dare," Napsap suggested, sitting down on the floor with his large pillow.

You could say the pillow was about his size, quite large somehow. Very soft too, like a couple of kittens maybe. That's how I feel about the texture.

"Nah, it's getting boring."

"What is this truth or dare..?" Good asked.

"Oh! It's a game," Nightmare answered, settling down right next to me and George.

"A game? I agree with the taller one, it sounds horrid."

Napsap puffed out his cheeks in frustration, before burying his face into the soft object in his hand. I know people wouldn't believe this, no matter how many times we told them. But seriously, we spent a night at this supposed abandoned house just to meet a prince that died and lived in that same spot we sat.

Holy pumpkins. It was a long night though. A lot of laughter, shouts, items getting thrown across the room, not to mention snacks. Yup we enjoyed it a whole lot. Maybe we'll even come back? Not sure, but I hope we do. Good was.. excluding how rude and cold he was, he was quite.. I guess I'll say the charmer.

(Yeah the ending got more boring and lazy, I rushed even tho I didn't get the chance to finish writing it on paper for the teacher >_>;;;;)

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