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"Please! No no no please! You stupid idiotic dumb_ss wake up—"


Good jolted awake, before rubbing his head and looking around.


"Good! Breakfast is ready!" Jef yelled from downstairs.

Those words snapped Good back to reality.

'F_ck! Did time.. no no no no! Not again— wait.. I need to prevent Jef's death!' Good thought, hopping out of bed.

He quickly changed before catching a glimpse of the throwing knife in the corner of the room.

He had stolen that just a few days ago from Bad, although he didn't know how to throw it properly, he experimented with it.

Quickly making up his mind, Good grabbed it and shoved it into his pocket, making sure it wouldn't cut him later.

Good then walked to the dining table, unlike last time where he ran and stubbed his toe.

"Good morning," Jef smiled brightly.

Good nodded in acknowledgement and sat down across from him. They started eating.

Good's anxiety grew as he remembered the events that happened last time. This time, he made sure to ask that one question.

"Hey.. did you.. interact with a hooded figure yesterday?"

Jef's eyes widened at the question.

"Actually yeah.. they gave me a slip of paper. Why..?"

"Can I see it?" Good blurted out.

Jef gave a skeptical look and sighed, before getting up.

"Alright alright, I'll go get it."


Good examined the slip of paper carefully.

「For all the seconds you spend with the demon
The higher the chances of ascending up to heaven
Unless you have the weapon that may help weigh you down
Then you're safe and not in that specific town」

'Okay, this so called riddle— poem— agh whatever! This is so stupid,' Good thought, clearly showing frustration.

Good felt Jef give him a pat on the head and calmed down just a teeny bit.

"Calm down you pumpkin-head. What's so important about this anyways?" Jef asked as he curiously stared at the slip that Good held.

Good quickly stuffed the paper into his pocket and got up, making Jef stumble and almost fall.

"Nothing! Nothing at all! Uhm— I'll be back bye!"

Before Jef could respond, Good was already out the door.

'Weapon? What weapon? Am I gonna have to steal all the weapons in town? Or I can just ask z7x to rob the store for me.. nah, Jef would scold me. I definitely don't want that—'

"Oof, hey!—"

Good was now standing face to face with the hooded figure. He quickly grabbed them and pinned them up to the nearby wall.

"You.. what the f_ck are you gonna do with Jef?"

The hooded figure stayed silent. This angered Good.

"Speak.!" He growled.

"Fine fine, you've caught me," They chuckled.

Once Good realized who it was, his grip loosened for a second.

"Puch... so you're the b_tch trying to send Jef to heaven, huh?"

Puch had a smirk on her face.

"Yup! And remember Selena?" She chuckled, "She may or may not helped—"


Good turned around and threw Puch to the ground, earning a grunt from the female.

"You b_stards!" He growled, stepping on Lilpuch to make sure she stayed down.

Good heard a gasp and turned to the person. Jef stood there, shocked and speechless. Good's eyes widened, realizing what he was doing.


"Jef it's not what it looks like—"

"I knew you were jealous but you didn't need to beat her up!" Jef exclaimed, "And it was months ago! Can't you just forget about it?!"

Good felt a tingle in his stomach. Something he rarely felt, guilt.

"I-I.. can't you see it's not about the stupid love or host! I'm trying to save you! You didn't even bother to actually look at the slip of paper, did you?!"

Tears welled up in both of their eyes. Jef suddenly felt limp. Good noticed and rushed over to him.

'No not f_cking again!'

Puch stood up, looking victorious. Good caught Jef before he fell into the pavement and scrape his face.

"No no no no!" Good muttered, the tears starting to leak.

Jef stayed silent, questioning what was going on. He felt like he was levitating as his body shined slight white.


Start again?

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