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Requested by CasieyLucy0512

Highschool Au


Jef breathed heavily, more tears welling up in his eyes. He tried containing his composure for a bit longer.

"Well you don't know what I go through everyday at school!" He shouted.

"What you go through?! I bet you're just saying that since you have nothing going on! Your life must be so simple without having to fight others all the time!"

Jef clenched his fists, feeling his nails dig into his skin. He couldn't take it anymore and ran to his room.

Good growled and shoved his shoes on. The demon left the apartment to take a walk, hoping that would help clear his mind.


Good sat up and groaned, his head pounded with pain as he got off his bed.


Good then went to the bathroom to prepare for the day. But when Good stared at the mirror, he didn't believe what he saw.

'What the..?'

Good squinted his eyes before trying to rub any sleep out of them. He looked back at the mirror.

'I'm not going crazy..'


The minute Jef woke up, he immediately realized that he was in Good's body. He felt his wings twitch slightly.

'Why am I in Good's body?!'

Jef stumbled out of bed, almost tripping and falling on his face.

'Does Good know this already? Wait... if I'm in his body.. then...'

"Jef, you better hurry the f_ck up before we are late," Good shouted from the living room.



The two males separated, not muttering a single word on their way to school.

Since they switched bodies, they had to now be the other person, attending their classes and doing what they usually do.

Good stared straight ahead as he walked, surprising a few people since Jef usually walked with his head down.

He was suddenly slammed against the locker.

"Ow! What the f_ck?!"

Good looked up, seeing a shocked female.

"Did you just swear?" Samantha asked.

Good rolled his eyes in annoyance.

'I don't have time for this.'

Good stood up straight and glared at Samantha.

"If you ever do that again I will beat your _ss until you can't can't attend school for weeks," Good growled.

The female squeaked and scurried away.

'Hah, what a coward. To think that Jef is actually weaker than her.'


"Oh sorry, I wasn't looking at where I was going."

Alexander looked up and stared at Jef in surprise.


Jef lended his hand for Alex to take. The male stood up and looked at Jef with confusion.

"Why are you suddenly so nice? Yesterday you literally kicked Dan in the.. uh..."


"I apologize for that then. I should be going, see you later."

Jef gave a warm smile and continued walking.

'What did he mean? In the what exactly..? Eh, I'll figure it out later.'

Jef shrugged it off and continued his way down the hall.


It was now lunch time. Good was hoping to sit down and enjoy eating while he could. But of course being the punching bag of the school had its flaws.

When Good was about to walk to where he and Jef usually sits, some people tried to push him into an abandoned hall.

"Get your hands off me you dipsh_t!" Good shouted as he shoved some person's hands away.

He then saw a fist flying towards his face. He raised his hands and stopped the fist, holding onto it tightly. He stared at the female and kneed her in the stomach.

Samantha doubled over in pain. While Good glared down at her, the two females besides her gasped slightly.


Jef stared at his lunch, waiting for Good to appear. He sighed and sat in silence.

"Hey Good," z7x greeted.

Jef jumped and looked up at z7x.

"O-oh, hey Z," Jef stuttered.

z7x either ignored or didn't notice the stuttering and sat next to Jef.

After sitting still for a few minutes, Good came and sat down across from them. He sat with his head on the table while he groaned quietly.

"Hey Jef, what's wrong?" z7x asked.

Good sat up straight and answered bluntly.

"Had to deal with some stupid girls that didn't know how to throw a proper punch."

Jef sweatdropped while z7x stared at Good with a confused face.



Part 2 coming out soon

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