
860 23 18

Requested by CasieyLucy0512

"Hey Jef?"

Good peeked his head into the living room.

"I think we need to buy more groceries."


Jef had a look of shock on his face.

"But didn't we buy groceries two days ago?"

Good gripped onto the hem of his shirt nervously.

"W-well, yeah... but there's already no more food. And I need to be fed," Good pouted.

Jef sighed before standing up from the couch.

"Alright, I'll go get you food."


Good watched Jef leave the house. Fidgeting with his hand nervously.

'Alright, now that he's gone I can finally go set things up,' Good thought.


Jef entered to supermarket and looked around. He then grabbed the list of items he needed and read over the list.

Jef grabbed a shopping basket nearby and continued down the aisles.


Jef leaned against the wall, placing the basket down.

'Not this stupid headache again. I'll deal with it later. Good and his food is way more important.'

Jef chuckled at the demon and slowly gathered everything he needed, stumbling a little bit.


Good paced around the back yard.

'I'm so nervous! It's getting cold out here too. Wait... what if Jef doesn't accept? What if everything goes wrong? What if there's a storm?!'

Negative thoughts made their way to his head.

'Ugh, stop worrying so much,' the voice in his head said.

Good grumbled before making his way back into the house. But also checking if everything was in position.

He fidgeted with a little black box in his pocket, sitting down on the couch. Good grabbed the remote from nearby.


After Jef paid and exited the place, his headache grew worse.

He rubbed his head, trying to ease the pain. While waiting, the traffic lights turned green, signaling that they could go now.

Jef began to walk, before a yell was heard.

"Look out!!"


But it was too late, the car crashed into his body. All the bags he had in his hand flew everywhere.

Jef's eyesight blurred. He groaned from the pain, his eyelids growing heavy. Fresh blood dripped from his body. Before he knew it, he passed out.


"Good afternoon everyone," the news lady spoke.

Good stared at the screen, bored out of his mind.

"There has been an accident on Peak street."

Good perked up at the sentence.

'Wait... but Jef is there...'

Good started trembling.

"A drunk driver that had just left the bar drove right into a 21 year old man. Also known as Zak Ahmed."

Good stared wide eyed at the T.V. his hands trembling as tears threatened to spill.

'No... no no no no no no!!'

Good turned off the T.V. and covered his face.

'This is all my fault! If I hadn't told Jef to go buy food for some stupid proposal, none of this would f_cking happen!! I should've took the hit, not Jef!'

Good couldn't take it anymore and ran out the house, running to where to car crash happened.


It was now 2 years after the accident, Good refused to eat. He craved for the cupcakes Jef would make for him. Good wouldn't go outside. It would just remind him of all of Jef's bright smiles.

He clenched tightly onto his now dead lover's beanie that he managed to keep safe in his grasp. The pair of rings he was hoping that he and Jef could wear together sat on the coffee table.

'I'm sorry...'

Good broke out into tears.

'I'm sorry, please...'

Good looked over at the kitchen, spotting a knife on the counter.

He smiled slightly, standing up and grabbing onto the knife.

'Just wait Zak... I'm on my way...'


Sorry if this was bad, this is actually the first angst I've written.

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