Mystic Falls Here We Come

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I look around my empty bedroom, my constant for the past 16 years. It's time to move on I guess. Dad wanted to be with the rest of his family back in the states and mum had some business to take care off concerning the wolves so we were moving. I guess moving back because I was born in the states, only living there until I was around 2. 

I smile at all the memories made in here. The countless sleepovers, the loud singing, Gossiping with Rebekah, late-night phone calls with my friends, dance practices, homework, getting ready for all the school dances. There was a lot in this room, but it was time to move on. That's what mum said anyway. 

"Issie!" My dad called from downstairs, I gripped my suitcase handle and pulled it out the door with me. He came to the top of the stairs to carry it down for me, the whole house was empty. Like all the parties and dinners never happened. It was a shell of our family. I was anxious this was my safe place. I was protected in these walls. Partly because Aunty Freya put a spell on the walls around of land which meant people couldn't come in without a certain pendant. 

"Mystic Falls here we come," Mum said as the door closed behind us with a click the doors were locked and we were getting into the car to head to the airport. I said all my goodbyes yesterday, my friend threw me a surprise farewell party. It was such a sweet surprise. 


I stood beside my mum in the large office of my new school and well home. It was a boarding school. I had finished with human school this year but Klaus suggested his friends boarding school, he's worried I'm going to trigger my curse. The big bad hybrid himself scared that little old me would kill. 

Yes I have a temper but I have it 'under control' until someone pisses me off and they might end up in a flipped car but either way it's totally fine. 

We had been in town for two weeks now, pretty much just keeping ourselves to ourselves to avoid any drama. It was enough stress moving countries never made making enimies the minute we arrived. I look up at the blonde that was talking to my mum, she seemed harmless at first glance but there was just something about her, a fire in her eyes that let me know not to mess with her. 

She reached out and shook my hand and thats when it was all comfirmed. I felt the power she had, physical power but power ignited by people she loved. Her power came from loving so purely. A perk of my powers it allows me to read people with a simple touch. I don't mean to do it all the time but sometimes it just kind of happens. In new places i like to know who is around what their motivies are and are they dangerous to me. I have to be careful a gang of witches wanted me dead from my first breath. 

"I'm Caroline Forbes, principle here. And this is Rick Saltzman, the other Principle." She said and I shook his hand too. He's defiently killed before, vampires witches, wolves... I pull my hand back after feeling a pain, the pain of his victims. "Sorry she gets vibes from people." Mum said resting her hands on my shoulders. "Yeah Klaus explained." They went back to talking and i tried to read this 'Rick' fellow a little more, I made eyecontact with him finding my way through his little brainwaves until I got to a place I needed to be.

He's a father... Twins... He's been through ALOT. A drunk...Elena Gilbert? Where have I heard that name before? Ahh the doploaganger that Uncle Klaus needed to make his annoying little hybrid army. He cares about her too. I don't think he's a threat... But I'll keep my distance.

"Issie... Isabella." I snap out of it and look across to my mum. "Quit." "Sorry." I apoligise. "We're going to have our girls show you around a little." "The gemini twins right? Elizabeth and Josette... Right?" I asked. Caroline hesitantly. "She was in his head...I warned you about this." "He should learn to block." I said simply. "Isabella." My mum warned and i knew to stop answering back. 

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