Night Grampa

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"Dad!" I tan to him and hugged him tightly. When I left the Lockwood house he was already walking up the drive with my uncle. "Izzie what's wrong?" "I thought you were in trouble." I pulled away and Klaus smiled at me from behind my dad. "Thank you." I mouthed when I hugged my dad again. I was so relieved to have him safe.

"You better go get ready." My dad encouraged me. "But." "I'm fine." He said cutting me off. "I'm okay, go on and enjoy yourself." "We could go home and just, relax you know?" "No, go be with your friends.- Damon take her inside me and my brothers have a matter to discuss." Damon nodded and I went to walk inside and noticed my dad pull Damon back. 


"You stay with her, do not let her out of your sight...Mikael is in town and we don't know what he wants." "Got it." "I'm trusting you." I nodded and went off to a curious looking, Isabella. "What did he say?" She asked when we got into the house. "Nothing you need to worry about brown eyes." "Oh, we're back to that." She giggled with a rolling of her eyes. She called me blue eyes and I called her brown eyes when we were stuck in the cell. 

"Clearly it's something." "Nothing to worry about," I tell her casually as she picks her dress up from the floor when she dumped it when she went looking for her father. Maybe that's where he's been? Hunting down Mikael... seems about right. Maybe he wasn't a complete mess for this long. 

I follow her up to one of the rooms. "Um, what are you doing?" She asked when I closed the door. "Coming in." "I need to change." "Nothing I'm interested in." "Then leave." She stated. "I can't." "Why?" "Because a guy with a stick is out at night." "Funny, leave Damon so I can change." "No Isabella." "So my dads told you to perv on me?" She asked with a cocked eyebrow. "No." "Then leave." "Isabella just get changed so we can avoid Caroline shouting at us with the high pitched voice," I said. 

"Fine turn around." She said unzipping her dress bag. I did as she asked but the mirror was there. Anywhere she stood I'd be able to see. I wasn't trying to look but the thick scar that went the length of her back caught my eye and I turned to face her. "You said it healed." I walked over to her. "It's nothing." "No, why hasn't it healed?" I touched it and she tensed up. Markus used some tooth blade thing one time and she was in agony I gave her my blood and it stopped the bleeding, it should have to heald it to the point there was no evidence of it ever happening. "Please don't touch it." She said turning to face me. "Why hasn't it healed Izzie?" She smiled. "What?" I asked confused. "Thats the first time you've actually used my nickname." "You're a dork." I told her. And she just smiled. 

"The blade it was some magical thing, it'll heal eventually it'll just take time." "Does it hurt?" "A little but it's fine." She assured me and then I remind he used it on her neck too. "What about?" She moved her hair and that was still there. "They'll go eventually. I have this herb cream Freya made that will help it." "Can't the half witches absorb it... If it's got magical elements." "It's a black magic object it's too dangerous." She said turning back around again. "Zip me up." She asked and I do, carefully not to touch the scar. "I'm sorry." "It's fine." She said genetally. 

"So back to Caroline." She nodded and we went back down stairs and was ordered around yet again. Only this time I was working with Isabella. She seemed to be taking her jobs very seriously. "You think I could balence this on my head?" She asked refering to the glass punch bowl we were meant to be filling up. "Try it." So she did and she almost smashed it. "Let's pretend that didn't happen." She said with her little giggle before pouring the punch into it. 


"Thanks for keeping an eye on her." Klaus said to me as we stood by the bar. She was currently dancing with her father on the dance floor. "I'd do anything for her, we're friends." I tell him. "Damon Salvatore making friends who would have thought... And with my niece." He sounded amused. "Well more than I can say for you." Was all I said in response. 

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