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I look at the back of the car where the three girls were sat, all of them completely exhausted from today. Josie and Lizzie were on the ends and Bella was sat int he middle, they were all laid on each other. Josie and Bella had their heads rested against each other in a comfy position for them both and Lizzie was leant on Bella's shoulder.

I filled Caroline in on everything when the teens first fell asleep. We agreed they wouldn't be in trouble, because they were safe... They told an adult, two in fact, They were doing it for a good cause and when it got intense they listened and stayed out the way. And went the extra mile to save Freya and help us get Esther in a state ready for transfer, thanks to them and Davina. Once she knew the girls were safe she calmed down a lot. I couldn't help but smile at them. They looked so peaceful when they were asleep. Like Angels.


Pulling up to the drive of the Salvatore house they were already waiting outside. the girls got out of the car and Caroline immediately ran down to her children. Damon came down and over to Bella. I was waiting for him to yell because his messages early he seemed pretty pissed. I had Bella's phone whilst she slept and I wasn't snooping I just happened to see them.

He pulled her straight into a hug. "I'm glad you're okay." Watching her melt into a touch was a warm feeling in my heart, she felt safe with him meaning he kept his promise of keeping her safe. And although he was angry at her for lying he didn't yell and he looked relieved to see her.

"We need to take Esther to the school so Care?" Klaus says stepping out the car. She wasn't listening too invested in analysing her girls to make sure they were okay. "Did you get the stones?" Bella asked Damon. He nodded. "Let's go." "Where are you going?" I asked she clearly didn't mean for me to hear. "To... bed." She said after reading my expression. I nodded. We all went inside Klaus and Rick went to the school to put Esther away. Bex, Freya and Kol all remained in New Orleans for now.

"Bed, all three of you." Caroline said after the girls finished their dinner. Things got hectic and we hadn't had time to feed them yet. "But." They all said in unison and then Caroline and I both gave them the 'mom' look and they stopped talking. They stood up and Bella looked down at Damon and he looked up. "Fine." He sighed. "Night." The girls say kissing both me and Care on the cheeks before heading upstairs with Damon.

Before heading to bed myself I went to check on Bella. I went to the girls room but they were asleep and Bella wasn't there, her bedsheets were pushed down the bottom of the bed so she once was there. I sigh and head to Damon's room. She was sat criss-crossed on a rug with a ring of salt and the four crystals. "Not tonight. You need rest." I say before blowing the candles out. Damon was laid on the bed his hands folded together his head resting on them. "You didn't try and stop her." "You've met her right?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Bella, seriously. Bed." "Mum just let me do this... What if he comes in the night and we have nothing and I have to do this spell when he's here... I can't stop Cade at the same time as making his death weapon." "Little girls don't make death weapons." "Tell Klaus that." I roll my eyes knowing he had been using her to bind things to weapons since she was around 7. He'd always pay her for it... never exploiting her, I hear she drives a high price.

"Bella." Damon says helping. "You need rest." "If he comes here! You're as good as gone okay... Death for you would be a better option than him taking you! Do you understand that?" She asked him. "Now if you'll excuse me." She was strong headed, it's all the time she spent with her aunts, I blame them. So I sit on the edge of the bed with Damon and watch over her. She had 6 daggers laid on the floor by her four stones she needed all surrounded by a circle of salt.

"Her dad would always manage to talk her down when she got frantic." I say quietly not wanting to disrupt my daughter who was currently mid spell. "She doesn't like death." 'Who does." Damon said his eyes not leaving her. "No, it sends her crazy... she feels it." She was still watching her as the winds int he room picked up. "She cares about you... she doesn't want you to be in the pain she feels." "If it meant she was safe, I'd die." "Thank you for looking after her." "That was Caroline." "Well she feels safe with you... She normally locks herself in a room alone to do magic... it's when she's vulnerable for her to be in here-"Isabella stop." Damon said standing up and going over to her quickly. I do the same seeing the blood trickling down her face from her eyes. We swiftly blew the candles out and Damon kicked the salt breaking the circle. The winds stopped suddenly.

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