Queen of Melons

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I stand outside the large house and contemplate what the hell I'm doing. I snuck out the dormitory which will result in me getting the arse whooping of a lifetime in the morning from Caroline. It's 2:30 in the morning and it's raining. I walked across town after my grandpa attacked my family and my grandmother is clearly not far behind him, they were always up to no good together despite hating each other. I've been walking around the ghosttown for hours... I'm alone, cold and wet. 

Despite every brain cell I had screaming at me to walk away from this house and walk back to my dorm and just go to bed I couldn't... And i found myself raising my hand and knocking on the door. I wait for a moment. pulling on the sleeves of my hoodie that was completely soaked at this pointed it was actually making me colder than warmer. 

I contimplated running when I heard movement inside the house but my feet were firmly planted they felt like cement bricks I couldn't lift them. 


I open the door grumpy from bying awoken though my face softened at the sight in front of me. She looked awful, tear stained cheeks, wet hair and a hoodie that wasn't keeping her warm. "Isabell-" She wrapped her arms around me holding me tightly. I held her back moving her from the cold slightly before closing the door so she was inside. I couldn't decide if my top felt damp from her being wet or if she was crying. "Let's get you out of these wet clothes." I tell her gentally wrapping an arm over shoulder and leading her upstairs. Her head was rested on my shoulder.

"What's going on?" Stefan asked coming into the hall. I shook my head and told him to go back in his room with a simple gesture. "I'll let Caroline know she's here." He says. "Don't, I'll sort it." I say knowing she'd just want to be alone... I don't know what was wrong with her but her dad told me he had heard her cry once and that was when her mother died, and she had clearly been crying. 

I sat her on my bed and she was motionless, she didn't move she didn't say a word it was like she was using all her energy to just keep herself together and not cry. "Izzie you need to get changed." I try again. She didn't even look over at me. I sighed and put the t-shirt i got her out on the bed next to her and knelt infront of her. "Izzie." I said attempting to grab her attention. 

I took her hand and it was turning blue, she was freezing.I removed her bag from over her shoulder and placed it next to her on the bed, it was a small purse. I took her hoodie off her slowly andsoftly incase she began to freak out but she was too in her head to care. I took her t-shirt off after before pulling my dry on over her head, I navigated her arms into the correct holes and pulled it down covering her body back up. I took her shoes off and socks before replacing them. I got her trousers off too and handed her a pair of Stefens joggers that I quickly stole from him. Both clothing items were too big for her but at least she was dry now. 

I pulled the blanket off the bottom of the bed and wrapped it over her shoulders she needed warming up. God knows how long she had been out in the rain for. I pulled the bedsheets further back and laid her down. "Go to sleep." I say to her. "It's okay, go to sleep." I say giving her hand a little squeeze. Since when was I this soft. 

"Bella, sleep." the name alone made her eyes water. Bella what her mum would call her. I sighed I got in the bed next to her pulling the sheets over both of us... "Wake me if you need me okay." I tell her rolling over having my back to her. 

Morning came quickly, too quickly for my liking and when I rolled over Izzie was sat up holding a white piece of paper in her hands just looking dead ahead. "Morning brown eyes." I say softly staying in my laid down position. And the silent treatment. 

"I'm gonna go get showered." I say pointing the the bathroom. "That cool?" Nothing. "Cool." I sit up and stroke her hair out of her face. "You'll be okay..." I didn't know why she was in this trance but she needed to hear that she'd be okay. I went to shower and then when downstairs. 

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