They would have been dog food

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After class I didn't go to the office like I was told to by my professor I went to my next class. Josie Lizzie and I did out own training like we have been. We all have gotten our strength up a lot since the attacks and I think we could take on someone that wanted to hurt us.

After that class we shower and change and then head to the doors to get ready for dinner. I just sat and finished up some school work whilst the twins were doing their own thing. I had missed a lot of work with training constantly so I needed to catch up. Today was like one of my first full days in school since I fights with the alphas. It was nice to be around my friends again.

"So what happened to meeting in Cares office?" Damon asked walking into our room. "What happened to knocking?" "Yeah we could have been changing." "It's common desentcy." We tell him and he just mocked us the entier time. So he's clearly in a bad mood. "I had class... it's a school I have to attend those things." "Well we need to talk." "I have dinner plans." "You drink blood unless you're planning on hunting for your food in the woods you have no plans." I rolled my eyes.

"I'll grab you a bloodbag at home." "Damon I'm busy. With my friends." "And now you're busy with me." "Look she doesn't have to listen to you." Lizzie said. "No she doesn't but she will." They all look at me. "I'm going to dinner with my friends, I'll meet you at yours after. Okay." I say cmprimising. "Fine." He said and left. "Told you he's a jerk." Josie said and lizzie agreed.

I pack a bag to take with me. A change of clothes, my purse school ID and my phone. "Ready?" I asked the girls when I was done. Josie was just getting her Purse together before we left. We went down and met our friends before heading to the grill. I got my empty cup and poured the bloodbag I had in my bag into it. With a little mit of Ice I had a think grape smoothie.

Itvaried what everyone had, some had food some had drinks like me. We spoke whilst everyone ate before moving over to the pool table and played a few rounds. I played the first game won it and then got bored of the game so I sat with Joise and did remixs to the songs that were playing in the background. We got a few looks from others in here when we got a little too loud but I was having fun.


"Thanks for walking me here." I say to Oliver a wolf that came out with us. "Cant have the queen walking around on herself now can we." I laughed. "I think I proved myself enough. Don't make me kick your butt too." I said and he laughed loudly. "I would never survive." I smiled. "Anyway better head inisde." "The boyfriend waiting for you." My smile dropped. "He's not my boyfriend... We're friends." "Yeah and so are Joise and P." "No seriously me and Damon are just friends." I say firmly. "Sure you are." "I'm not kindding Oliver." "Coming over to his house in the evening him bringing you late to class taking you away at lunch... Just friends." "Yeah." "Everything okay out here Izzie?" I hear damon from behind me. Thanks for ruining my point Damon! He came down the proch steps and over to us. "Not dating no." "Quit it Oliver. We're not dating." "So he wouldn't mind if I kissed you." Damon boxed his shoulders almost getting ready for a fight. "No but I would mi-" His lips crashed on mine and I pushed him off quickly he hit the floor. "Get off me you Creep!" I said as I pushed him over.

"Woah sorry." "You don't go round forcing people to kiss you." "I was just testing the waters." "When someone says they would mind you kissing them that's your indicator to not fricking kiss them!" "Hey, inside." Damon said clearly noticing me losing my temper the longer i was looking at his stupid smug face. Gosh I just want to punch him! I went inside anyway regardless of my need to hit his stupid face with my fist.

When I got inside Care and Stefan, were in the lounge. "Damon might be beating up a kid from school outside." I warn them before continuing to the kitchen. I hear Care leave the house and I pour Damon a bourbon and sit at the island on my phone waiting for Damon. "You can't go around hitting my students." "He was a dick first." "and you really acting like a child now." They come into the kitchen. "Drinks on the counter." I say pointing to the buorbon. "Thanks." He drinks it in one go which wasn't a surprise to me.

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