Little One

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"This will be your room." Stefen showed the three girls. He had been kind enough to let them stay with him and his brother. Josie expressed how she didn't want to stay at the school she was fearful of her father. Lizzie wanted to be with her sister and Izzie needed to be around her friends so all three of them went. 

It was fine with me because I live here too a majority of the time seeing as it's my husbands house. 

"Thank you." They say in unison each dumping their bags on a bed. "If you need anything we'll be downstairs." I tell them. "Okay, Mom." "Okay Care." They reply as we leave. I could hear them talking amoungst themselves.

"So thats the girls settled in." Stefen said as we got downstairs. "They chose to stay in the same room as each other." "Yeah people with friends do that... They actually want to spend time with each other." I tell him and he just rolled his eyes at me. 


I woke up to my three teens screaming at the top of their lungs. Like blood curdalling screams. Shooting up in bed I went straight to the top floor with the boys following to get to them. Isabella was stood with a wooden lamp pole holding it out in protection of her and the twins. The other side pointing at a fricking wolf. It was stuck in the corner of the room. 

"Mom!" Josie was panicked. "It's okay just stay there." They were on the otherside of the room to me. "Don't even think about it." Izzie said before snapping the wooden lamp pole over her knee. It had seen the three of us in the door way and started to snarl. 

"Izzie be ca-"She's got this." Damon said holding me back confident in her ability to protect us all. And thats saying something because he would always just do it himself when we were under threat and not think about anyone. "She can't kill them-"She won't" He said back. And in three swift moves she was wrestling a werewolf on the floor. Pinned against the floor the werewolf admitted defeat and shifted back. the cracking of bones echoed around the large room. "Sammy!" The girls all said shocked. 

I pulled a sheet off the end bed and through it over him helping Izzie up. "You bit her!" Izzie said furious still. "This, this is the part where you worry if she's gonna kill him." Damon whispered to me not being helpful and he knew it. He thought he was funny but he's not. We all was aware that she had a temper on her. "You don't go around biting your friends. What the frick!" She pushed the naked boy and his back hit the wall. "Izzie!" "No mom he bit her." Lizzie said pointing to Josie, she had gotten rid of the bite because of her abilities but still he bit my baby. 

"No, no, no we don't do that." Damon said taking my attention from one angry teen to another. Damon was pulling the broken wooden stick from her hands. "We play nice with people that tried to kill us." "No we hurt them back." "Not till we get the information we need me don't." He rested both his hands on her shoulder which meant whilst he spoke and tried to figure all this out he could keep her in place as well as notice when she's moving or up to something. 

"Now you bit her because?" Damon asked. "I..." "Spit it out! You-"Care... he's a child." Stefen reminded me. I was pissed he hurt my child. No one hurts my child. No one. But he was right. I was his principle it would be unethical for me to rip him apart... Damon on the other hand... Thats an idea. "I just." "You just what? Thought it was okay to go around hurting my sister you no good, pig headed wolf boy." Lizzie said. Now Stefen was holding her back. 

"Is it hot in here?" He asked as he fanned himself. He was stalling. "Why the hell did you bite my Sammy we're meant to be friends. You don't try and take our friends jugglers." Josie said. "And if it is I'd happlily take out yours right now." "Lizzie." Stefen warned her. She shot him daggers too. "Seriously... it's so hot up here. I can't." Then Lizzie smirked. Izzie's being awfully quiet right now. "Stop it!" I tell her. "I'm not touching him." She said back. "Stop it!" I tell her again, her innocent look on her face, it ammused me. She always found a way around the rules. "I'm not physically hurting him. It's not my fault he's stood too close to me." "Seriously enough!" "Fine!" She had started to make his blood boil. Her mom warned me she did this when she was angry at someone. More like a temper trantrum. But she had purposely used this power of her to hurt someone. "Out." I point to the door. "Now, Izzie. Lizzie you too. Go." "I swear you touch any of them, you might as well make your funeral arrangments!" Lizzie said as she walked passed. "Now Isabella!" I said firmly. 

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