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"So you have to fight the Alph's?" Lizzie asked me as I punched the dummy we dragged out onto the feild early this morning after I recieved the letter from Edna. "Yeah. To prove I'm strong enough to lead. It's utter Bull!" I said kicking the dummy over and it moved half way down the pictch. "Woah!" Joise said dodging it. "Sorry." I say moving my hair off my face. 

"If you were a guy they wouldn't make you marry someone or fight to prove you could lead!" Lizzie said as I walked to pull the dummy back over to us. "I don't mind kicking butt. But ding it so I'm not forced into a marriage it kinda drains all the joy out of it." I say getting back to them. "I just don't see why you have to conform to their beliefs of a patriarchal system." Josie added. "You and me both." 


"You guys were out there for a while." Care says when we drag the equimpment into the storage lockers. "Yeah, getting Izzie preped for the fight." "Fight?" Josie handed her the letter. "You're not doing this." "Why not?" "Because you're a girl and they're grown men! They could kill you!" "I think I'd rather be dead than marry a hairy muppet of a man." I say turning around and letting my hair out of the pony. 

"I have training with Damon in 30 minutes so I gotta go." "You're working too hard!" Care called but I was already out the storage locker. I run to the forest clearing and meet Damon there. "You look gross." He commented when I arrived. "Thanks, me, Josie and Lizzie got in a session before coming here." "Why?" "Cause I kind of have to beat the Alph's in a fight to prove I'm strong enough to lead and my momma didn't raise a quiter" I say going to throw a punch but he of course caught my hand. "What if it's a set up to kill you." "Please. They wouldn't kill the queen it's a crime." "Collectivly if they want you dead it's not." "And you've been reading up on the wolves traditions because?" I asked impressed at his knowledge but annoyed at the same time because he just needed me to do what I'm doing. "Because I need to understand it to form a plan. If they kill you and I kill them I die." "They're not going to kill me." "No? You seem confident." "No they're not because I'm going to be prepared. One Alpha at a time, theres 12 packs in the towns surrounding us... I just need to keep my stamina up to be able to keep going." "And you have a plan to do that?" "Joise and Lizzie are rounding up 12 wolves, for me to take on. And I'm going to do that twice a week, whilst doing your training sessions with me and my own." "You'll burn out." "More work, more blood." I say as I still throwing and blocking punches. "No, you're on a strict diet for your blood after the little drainage you-"Look the guy grabbed my arse of course I was going to hurt him." I say defending myself. "Draining him and throwing a punch at his jaw two different things." "You would have done the same thing." I tell him.

"This is a ridiculas idea." "It's the only Idea we have." "Well give me sometime." "I've given you two weeks Damon and it's just getting worse so I'm going to do it my way." "Your way will get you killed." "Sitting around doing nothing will probably get me killed also.


I skipped classes for two weeks to train for most part of the days, starting at 5am with a run and finishing with a practice fight with the 12 wolves Josie rounded up after football training with the team. I was drinking a little more blood without the knowledge of Caroline but under the watchful eye of Stefan. He's been measuing it. He tried to get me to drink chimpmunk blood or something but it was a no for me. Surely thats less human, you'd have to drain like 40 animals to get enough blood. It was gross too. 

But I was currently sat in my mums old lodge were she stayed before her and father got morried and moved out. I was sat on the bed waiting for the whole ordeal to begin. I was so nervous, the atmosphere when I arrived it wasn't the normal welcoming I would get, people were watching my everymove and no one but a few younger children who came running over to give me a hug before being pulled away by their fathers. Most of the women were in their homes. Not even Edna came to say hello. 

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