CrazyPants Episode

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"I'm so sorry I'm late." "Late? It's noon." "I'm awear... I was asleep." I tell him pulling my hair up in a ponytail. "Well lets hope the extra sleep means you can run extra fast to the woods." "You got it." "Get going I'll catch you up just going to change." I nodded before jogging from his house to the woods which I had already ran passed today coming from the school to his house.

I should have just texted him to meet me at the woods... Now that would have been smart. 

Not long he had caught me up and was jogging rather slowly beside me. "You look like you got hit by a truck twice and then drop kicked." "I had no sleep." "You were asleep till noon." "We didn't sleep until like 5... so it's not really that much sleep." I tell him rubbing my face. 

We continued our training session but this uneasy feeling wouldn't shift. Something was wrong. I don't know what or who with but something was off and it was really bugging me. "Focus Izzie." Damon said after hitting me in my side, not hard at all but I should have been blocking. "Sorry." I say focusing back on what I was meant to be doing. 

An hour later he had given up with me. "You're not even trying." "I'm sorry." he just rolled his eyes. I rolled mine too. He could be such an ass sometimes. 

"What's wrong?" "Nothing." I say picking up the stakes and putting them in the duffle bag. "Well you've ot been this off since the first week. So somethings wrong unless the piece of dagger in your back was what was giving you the strength." "Who knows maybe it was." I tell him clearly unimpressed with his humour as I pack up the bag. I pick it up and walk to him dropping it in his hands. 

"Where are you going?" "Home!" I called back, I jogged back to the school and instead of going to my room I go down to the cells. Last time I was down here I was locked in one this time I'm going to talk to someone locked in one. 

"Sammy." I say banging on the window to grab his attention. "What are you doing here?" "I need to talk to you." "Why?" "Because you attacked my best friend and I want to know why?" "I was compelled." "Cool story... but why did Kai compelle you. What is he planning?" "I don't know." "You do." "No... I don't... I don't remember." I rolled my eyes I seem to be doing that a lot today. "I didn't get much sleep last night and my temper is rather short today so let's skip the middle part of this conversation and go right to the part where you tell me what kai is planning." He blinked a couple of times. 

"Isabella?" I turned around at the quiet sound of my name. "Hi Rick." I say waving before turning back. "So... Whats the plan?" "If I tell you he said I had to kill ymself. I can't." I sighed out heavily. "I'm not in the mood for this Bull today!" Rick called me over.

"You need to protect yourself." "I'm fine." "You need to stay safe... keep the girls safe. Keep my girls safe." "I'm trying but this idiot doesn't seem to want to help his so called friends." I say looking back at Sammy who was still watching. "Theres no point being angry at us... We did what we did." "You tried to kill Damon and then attacked me i think I have right to be pissed at you. And he." I pointed at Sammy." "Tried to kill your daughter in her sleep! You should be angry at him." "He was compelled I was compelled." "Thats always your fall out. Being compelled. Not being in control. You can control it!" "Really!" He shouted at me getting angry. "Yes!" "You forgot Elena despite loving her." "I forgot Elena because it hurt too much knowing she was dead! i was a fricking child! You're an adult trying to kill someone. Pull yourself together!" 

"You're not meant to be down here." Bonnie said to me. "I was just leaving." "Come on I'll walk you back." 


"This uneasy feeling, it could just be because so much has happened this pass few months that you're feeling overwhelmed." I shake my head. "I get overwhelmed when I go on stage or when I have to speak in front of the class. Not when I'm sad or angry.  This is real Bon." I tell her standing outside of my room. "Maybe it's because you saw your Aunt and now you're missing your family all over again." I sigh, she wouldn't understand. "Maybe." I say just agreeing with her. 

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