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"She's been in her room for days... please do something." Hayley pleaded with me. Isabella had been her bed room at her parents house for a while, she's not answering messages or calls from anyone and it seems like her parents are having no joys with her either. 

I had been with Bonnie for the passed few days working on the merge. Isabella got the spell. We just need to look into it. Because she got it from Kai's head and that place well it's not exactly a reliable source now is it. 

"Never mind." Elijah said seeing his daughter coming into the lounge. "Here take these." She handed me ring boxes. "One for Care, Stef, the twins and Bon." "These are for Klaus and Kol." She handed her dad two. "And these are for Freya and Aunty Bex." 

"And they are for?" I asked the remaining two in her hands. "Aunty Davina and uncle Marcel." "You have far too many people in your family." "I still need to make Ricks but everyones complaining about me being in my room so." She held her hands up in defence then place the ring boxes on the counter.



(6 months later)


I heard giggling coming from the study so I pop my head around the corner to make sure the girls weren't up to something. But it was Damon and Isabella. They were throwing grapes into each others mouths. "You're missing on purpose." She complained. Seeing Damon smile a genuine warm smile made me happy.

Over the passed 6 months more of him had been coming back. He was caring and soft not just with Isabella but with the twins and he was even getting along with Klaus... which I never thought would happen. Anyone annoyed him, attacked him or was rude they still had the same fate but with those he 'loved' he was more delicate and patient with.

I don't know if it's for Isabella's sake because she loves her family very much or if they had both began to change because of Isabella. He's becoming more of a family man, cooking dinner for them both but also occasionally the whole house. He wasn't so selfish and he stopped drinking as much only drinking in the evening occasionally on his 'guys night' with Rick. Isabella was calmer, in control more of that temper and she started to show emotion a little more. Had she cried in front of me again... no but I could now tell when she was upset. She liked Damon was only different in front of those she loved, the outside world she was still manipulative and vindictive when she needed to be with the use of the power it made things easy for her to do that. 

They even had a schedule set up. 

Monday- Was spent at the Mikealson's

Tuesday- Girls night and  Guy's night or Brother night/ Mother/father and daughter night every other week

Wednesday- Our House

Thursday- Football practice for Izzie, Damon and Bonnie night for Damon

Friday- Homework/Work

Saturday- Date night

Sunday- Interchangeable at the Mikealson's or Our house. 

And they ran with that it was good to have routine but it was weird to see my brother fall into habits. We were out the other day in town and he picked up a tub of ice-cream and a bunch of flowers, because he 'thought of her'. Damon doesn't think of anyone but himself. Well until now. 

"Oh hey Stef." Isabella said seeing me, she moved her legs off of Damon and sat up straight. "Are you staying for dinner?" "No, mums coming to pick me up... mum and Care are taking us all dress shopping." "Whats the occasion this time?" I asked. "Their graduation." Damon said, was that a proud smile? "Oh shoot!" I needed to go out and get their gifts! I should have gone last week when Caroline told me to. I told her I had went. I actually was with the girls in the garden playing football with them... They're like really good. Damon gave me a odd look. "He forgot our gifts." Isabella said with an amused smile. "You don't have to get me anything... but Lizzie has been looking at this watch for a while. And Josie was hoping for a necklace. And Grad is months away we just need dresses." I took mental notes. "I'll send you the details for the watch... you know how particular she is." I nodded. "Thanks."

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