It's Progress

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Carolines pov

"He said love?" Bonnie questioned. "Well he nearly did." "No way." "Yes way! He said something along the lines off well he picked on the girl I lov- and then stopped talking and went on to say three teens. He had to be saying love." "It's Damon he doesn't love anyone but himself." 'Well what about Elena?" "The girl who broke his heart, and made him vow to never love again." She mocked me. "I doubt he meant it like that. they have that weird hostage bond." "Yeah I guess." I say.

"How are the girls?" Bonnie asked. I pointed out of the window to the three girls completely demolishing their forth body dummy this week. "Handeling it well then." Bonnie said with raised eyebrow as she watched Josie knee the dummy repeatdly until she ran out of steam. "Yeah completely." I say looking away after Lizzie took the head off a dummy. "Mom!" "We need a new one!" I hear them call. I turn back out the window and the three of them are stood hands on hips looking up at my window. "Go talk to Coach!" I called back. 

"We could fight MG!" "ENOUGH Girls! Inside get to class." I shout down to them after Isabella's bright idea. "We need to practice." "You're Witches not MMA fighters! Get to class." I snap. "You seem... well rested." "Having the three of them in bed means no sleep for me. and with them at it all day means I have to watch them all day because I'm terrifed somethings going to happen to one of them! First there was Markus, and Then Mikeal and Esther and Kai and now this stupid wolf empire bull shit! I need to keep an eye on them between Josie's overthinking and the two's explosive tempers It's hard to keep their heads on earth sometimes." 

"They're all very capable girls... I'm sure they'd be fine." I laughed amussed by her comment. "Fine? Kai came and now the girl that came to the school as a witch is now a wolf and a fricking Vampire! What the hell do you want me to do!" "Thats not your fault!" "No but i wasn't watching her for one second and you and Damon almost died!" 

"Hey mom?" Josie said coming into the office and both of us putting a smile on our faces. "Dr whats it's face is refusing to let Lizie and Izzie in the class room." "Why?" "Something to do with thei devil?" "The what?" "Yeah he's saying they have the deilved instilled in them." She said. "He's throwing textbooks at MG and Lucus." "Bonnie will you." "Yeah sure." Bonnie left to go deal with it.



"He's fricking crazy!" I shout back trying to pull from Stefan. "I'm not letting you go until you are calm." "He through acid at me! Calm!" I shout kicking Stefan and getting him off me. Lizzie was laid passed out on the floor from some stupid podwer Dr Physcho blew at her to rid her of the devil. Stefan grabbed me again before I could get over to him."

"You get her out of here! You pick her up take her to the dorms. And you! Get the hell to my office now!" Care said shouting orders. I was taken out of here as instructed. Stef just took me to the courtyard. "Are you calm?" He asked me. I shrugged him off and sat on the dge of a water fountain. "This place is full of whack jobs!" i shout. "Perfect place for you then Crazypants." Damon said walking passed. "Not now Damon!" Stefan told him. 

"Why what's wrong with her?" He asked like I wasn't there. "Some teacher ridded the devil from her and lizzie. Lizzie passed out and Izzie had acid thrown on her." "acid." "Yes Damon burning acid!" I said standing up. 

"And you're going where?" "To lock myself in a stupid cell before i ripped the fat wankers head off his stupid broad shoulders!" I shout going back into the school and then into the basement and into a cell with the large glass windows and closed the door sitting on the bed and looking at the plain grey washed walls to calm myself down.



"So she locked herself in there?" I asked confused. "Yeah." "I mean it's progress at least she didn't-"rip the fat wankers head off his stupid broad shoulders." Damon mocked her accent horribly. "Give her some credit she didn't go through with it." "No she just put herself in a time out like a 5 year old." "What 5 year old do you know that puts themselves in a time out?" I asked him. 

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