Elena Never Listened

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"She paid?" Bonnie asked shocked. "She didn't really give me a chance too. After Cade crashed the date and Isabella wanted to ignore the fact that it happened." "And you were scared." "Made a deal with the devil then killed him then he came for my girl- My friend of course I was slightly worried Bonnie." "So what's the plan then?"

"Isabella's gone with Care to talk to Katherine to see what she knows ab-"I mean about you and Izzie... make up date?" "Eventually." "What you going to do?" "I don't know yet. I'm trying to stop the devil from claiming my soul." I roll my eyes how can she be thinking about the date right now when Cade is walking around waiting to make his move.

"I'm surprised you even let Izzie out of the house... You was always avoiding Elena going off." "Elena never listened." I defended I'd want to keep her safe but she was strong minded and just went and did it anyway. "Well yeah but you've not even attempted keep her home." 'She's Isabella, stronger than she looks." I say shrugging it off.

"We're back." Isabella announced coming in. "Did she say anything?" "Not at first." Care said. "She didn't know much. She knows where the dagger is to kill him though so Stef has gone to locate it." Isabella says coming further into the room, she looked tired she hadn't been sleeping much since our 'date' she's been staying up late studying spells and researching artefacts to try and figure something out. "You good?" I asked her quietly as Care filled Bon in on the plan that was slowly forming.  "Tired." "Go have a nap... Have you drank today?" I asked her cornered. "Yeah this morning..." "Go to bed." "Later, I need to figure out-"You need sleep." I said turning her win the direction of the stairs. "You're annoying." "Yeah tell me something I don't know."

"I'll be back." I announce to the two who were already reading over a book from the school. "Your room." She said before I could keep pushing her up the next set of stairs. I turned her in the direction of my room and we go in. "Now get some rest." She rolled her eyes. I leave her to it and go back downstairs and help the girls review some information.


"I got it! I got!" Isabella said running in holding her Ipad. "You were meant to be asleep." Caroline said unimpressed with her, it wasn't secret Isabella wasn't taking care of herself and with Hayley coming in the next few days if she see Isabella like this she'll think we've been neglecting her. "It came to me in a dream." She said sitting on the floor beside my feet and handing me the Ipad. "What am I looking at?" I asked, Bonnie took it from me. "Where did you find this?" "Freya emailed it me from grandma's book..." She said. "What is it?" Care asked. "If I can find the right crystals I can make a Ascendant which will send him to a prison world and drain him meaning he's powers would be gone when he's there which means he's stuck. But the ascendant wouldn't be like Kai's it would be winded with daggers to weaken him and then the crystals would do their thing like they would on the actual ascendant and he'll be gone forever hopefully but who knows with this town." She was proud of herself the way she was talking she figured it out. "You're too clever for your own good." Bonnie said with a proud smile. "I feel like theres a but coming?" Caroline says. "No, well not exactly." "What?" "I need to go to the Creek. I'll go with Mum I'll be safe. I just need to get one of the crystals which is in my tiara." "I'll come with you." "No, you need to go with Bon to find the other two." "Well Care can go with Bon." "No because Care needs to make sure her daughters stay alive as well as keep us all updated with the location of Cade." "Well she's not a witch so that can't happen." I say. "Can too. I'll set it up and alls she has to do is check the map a few times a day and make sure he's not planning anything." I wasn't letting her go to the creek alone, every time she's been there she's been attacked.

"And before you say Stef can go. He needs to stay in the hole with Katherine, one to stay hidden because of the clocking spell thats on that place and two to make sure Katherine is you know not dying." "You're not going alone." "She's not alone she's with her mother." Hayley said. "Mum!" Isabella jumped up happily going over to her mom hugging her tightly."Hey Sweet pea." She said kissing her head.

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