I care...

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"She came over, one of the nights just after she got home... from the thingy with the wolves." "Party." "No the first stupid thing." "Right." "And she stayed in my bed, like she always does." "Always does." "No questions please..." I nodded letting him proceed. "And we were asleep she was having a nightmare I woke her up she freaked out about strangled me. I calmed her down and she told me he hurt her." "Who?" "Kamri? The wolf guy?" "The guy she was meant to marry?" He nodded. "And then the next morning when she woke up she told me to forgot everything she told me then started freezing me out. And acting all weird." 

I took a second to process what he told me. He was right. When he said she was scared of Kamri but I told him she wasn't and it was just him being all paronoid. I should have helped him get her out of there instead I was being stubborn and let him go alone! 

"You know how she is. She doesn't like talking and she told you something and she probably regrets it." "Why would she regret it?" "Because she doesn't like talking." "But we're friends." "Yeah but she's Isabella." "Is that a new excuse? She Isabella?" "no Damon bt just stop being difficult." "Difficult! She's being-"Can we get those towels?" Isabella said stood at the door in a t-shirt hitting mid thigh. "Yeah." Damon got up. 

She watched him leave the room. "I don't mean to be difficult... I just don't want to be a thing he has to deal with." She said before turning around right on time for Damon to round the corner. "Thanks... Is it okay if I use your show whilst Lizzie's in ours?" "Yeah knock yourself out. Just don't-"Leave my hair in the drain I got it." She waved him off going upstairs quickly.

"She heard then." "She has the same hearing as you. What you hear she hears." I clarify for him. 

I call Care and tell her the girls have settled here for the night. She wanted to come over and thats when Damon took over. He comprimised with her and got her to stay away until the girls were asleep. 

Which she did. 


"See they're safe." I tell her as I stood beside her at the door of the girls room. The middle bed empty which I assume was Josie's the same pattern they sleep in, at the dorms. "I should have kept them safe." "Care you're doing good with them." "No it's happening again! The fire it's. I'm gonna lose them like I nearly did the night of the wedding. It's happening all over again!" I shake my head. "No it's not don't worry. It's not happening. They're stronger now. They protected themselves then, they're protecting themselves now." "I'm their mom. I should protect them." "Theres nothing to protect them from! Kai's dead now. They're safe!" I tell her leading her away from the door as the girls begin to stir awake.

"They came here when they found out the Grill was closed. They didn't walk around they came here. And they waited. And then they asked me to call you. And they went to bed. They're sensible. They did the right thing. They just needed space." 

I take her to her and Stef's room. Stef and rick stayed at the dorms with Josie whilst Care came to check on the raging twins. "I nee dot keep them safe with me. When they're not with me bad things happen to them! and I promised Hayley I'd keep her daugher safe too and so far she's just gotten hurt! they're all broken. All three of them are broken!" "They're stronger because of what they've been through! They're fighters."



I woke up to blonde curled hair spread out on my chest. "Morning Izzie." Lizzie said. "Morning..." I said streatching under her. "It got cold, you looked warm." I laughed. "You could have just gone and put the heat on." "That seemed like the longer option, when a human radiator was right there." She said still not getting up. "Morning girls." "Morning Care." "Morning Mom." We said together. "Damon made Pancakes downstairs." "Oh food." That got Lizzie up and she got her robe off the bathroom door. 

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