I Ruin Things

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When I knew everyone in the house would be asleep I went in and up to my room. I flipped on the main light and then noticed the bumb in my bed. I walked over and saw the famous long curls that laid over the pillow. I found my self smiling... I sighed knowing we won't be as close as before. I turned the lamp on at the side of her before turning the main light off. I change into sleep attire and climb in bed. I reached over her turning the lamp off the room going into darkness. 

I knew she wouldn't care if I was in the bed with her. She always got in the bed at some point in the night. Sometimes she was there when I woke other times she was back upstairs with the girls pretending to have been there the whole night. She would never admit it but she liked to know someone was close by... despite the girls being in the same room it wasn't enough. He mom used to lay in bed with her most night until she fell asleep. She got awful dreams sometimes, I first noticed them when we were locked up by Markus, they happen less and less now days though.  Nothing has changed and she still liked knowing someone was there.

I pulled the sheets over me and rolled over on my side to face her. I stroked her hair out of her face tucking it behind her ear. Her eyes fluttered open but they closed again softly. "I know you was there today." She said not opening her eyes. I chose not to say anything. "Pretend all you like, I know you were there and I know you're here now." She kept her eyes closed. "I'll always be there." I whipsered. It went quiet again.

"Then stop hurting me and be there." Was all she said before rolling over so her back was facing me. I rolled over too.

Stop hurting me and be there... her words repeated until I fell asleep. I was woken up by a pillow to the head. "You said you wouldn't be here." Stef said annoyed. "I was planning on leaving before everyone woke." I said rubbing my eyes with one had whilst feeling the other side of the bed, it was flat, she had already gone. "Get up before one of the girls sees you." He said. "I'm up." I said. "Now Damon." "Gosh you're such a dad."  I complained getting out of the bed and pulling my shirt on before disappearing avoiding Care and the teens who were just upstairs. 

I looked up to the house when I was on the drive. Bella was in the window. I waved to her she turned around closing the curtain. "I fucked up." 


I walk away from my own house and over to Bon's. 

"I have work Damon." "I know I just need to talk-"Then get in the car." "I can't" "You can't?" She asked opening the car door to get in. "Care banned me from the school." "And you're listening because? When does Damon Salvatore listen to rules?" "Since theres someone I care about that I'm hurting by being there." 

"I'll talk to you after school." She threw me her house keys and closed the car door. I watched her drive away. The whole day I spent at Bons. She had nothing to do here. I read a few of the kids work she had on her desk in the office. It was yet to be graded. 

My Goals In Life Are:

1. Lead with Grace

2. Make my Parents Proud

3. Stop getting hurt by people who don't care.


It had to be Isabella's there was no name on it. 4 had been earsed out... I wonder what it could have been. 

She's already achieved two of her goals her parents would be proud and she's been a badass leader so far so tick tick. "Maybe I shouldn't have drew on her work." I say to myself putting it back down on the desk. Some of these kids Goals are so stupid... "Drink 3 pints of blood in 10 seconds." "Win championship" What is this... are you five?

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