Be My Anchor

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I take in her big brown eyes one last time before pulling away and putting her behind me. "Ahh a crowd to watch me turn you two into my killing machines." Cade said with his big smile showcasing his perfectly white teeth. Everyone had put their daggers away he was none of the wiser.

I could hear Isabella whispering some foreign words behind me. "Clever girl, blocking me from their minds." "Not just a pretty face." She said with a sarcastic smile. At least he won't be able to know our next move now. I didn't even know our next move. "So I assume we're doing this the hard way?" He asked taking a seat at the kitchen table. "Or have you come to your senses?" No one spoke we just steered him out. "You made a deal with the devil... so pay up." "They made a deal with you before you died... making the deal void." Caroline tried. "Ah but I was already dead..." "Unless you want to give me something better." She says folding his arms. "And that is?" "The Trybrid... You know the thing that's feared most amongst us all." "Over my dead body." "That could be arranged Damon."

"Try me." I said boxing my shoulders ready for impact. He was a coward he used his magic to make my ears ring. "Quit it!" Isabella said stomping with force which sent Cade falling backwards off the chair. "Little one has a temper." "Errox Femus." She said and you heard Cade bones snap echoing around the cold room. "You're cute... like a little pit bull. Though not as dressed up as I last saw you... Quite the downgrade for our second encounter." "Good job I'm not trying to impress you." "No then what was the little magic show for?" "A distraction." "For?" "This." Stef said coming up behind him and impaling him with the dagger in his left shoulder. "Ahhh!" He shouted before trying to pull it out. "Now!" Bonnie shouted and Caroline made the next cut. What the hell was going on. 

'Dagger to the heart... Last move Damon.' I heard Isabella say but it was her in my head. Thats how everyone knew what was going on. After Caroline took a stab Isabella moved swiftly taking her dagger and not stabbing him but dragging it the length of his arm before he pushed her off holding her in place against the wall. "Bella." I go to help her but she shakes her head and tosses me the dagger she was holding using a lot of her strength to fight against his magic. Bonnie was next, then I had to make my move. "Give it your best!" Cade said throwing everyone against the walls of the room except me. "Ossox." Cade said and Carolines and Stefs necks were snapped. Isabella closed her eyes and the room began to shake, the whole house was shaking. And she had managed to pull herself free.

"Do it." She tells me before she left the room leaving me here with two sleeping bodies and Bonnie who was pinned to the floor of the room. I did as Told and one dagger in the shoulder and the next to his heart. Cade was furiously trying to pull them out. Isabella came out of no where with the final dagger and stuck it in his neck, blood trickled down his face from his eyes like Bella's did last night. "You bitch!" Cade managed out. "Yeah, was a pleasure meeting you." She said with a smile that screamed psycho, only making me love her more. "Bye now." She blew and a large gust of wind came through the now open window and blew Cade's body into ashes and they flew out. 

"Bonnie." Bella said snapping out of her murderous roll kneeling down to help our friend. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "Yeah... Yeah... I think I'm good." Bonnie said as we sat her up. "I've got her go help Stef and Care." Bella told me. I did as told. Moving them to the couch in the study. Bonnie and Isabella came in shortly after holding the six daggers. "What now?" "Now? We deal with Katherine..." She says putting the three daggers she held on the drinks table. "Also probs should call my mum and tell her I'm alive." "How are you so causal about killing the literal devil?" Bonnie asked her. 

Bella smiled. "I've been told my whole life that I'm the devils spawn... honestly I was underwhelmed by his performance." Thats my girl. "Come on, let's get you to your mum." I say taking her hand. "You okay with these two?" Bonnie nodded. I kissed her cheek before we left the house.

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