Too Little Too Late Princess

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Two more days had passed, my head pain had eased up, but I was thristy and hungry, so hungry. I was meant to go back to school today but I wasn't able because I'm locked in a fricking dirt box! Caroline will come and find us. She has to realise I was missing right? Cause she's my principle and the twins would tell her I didn't come back last night. Yeah... It'll be just fine.

I rolled my neck so I was looking at Damon he was starting to look a little pale. I was worried, he hadn't eaten anything in 5 days. Markus hadn't been back down. I don't know if his plan was just to keep us in here until we died. I've tried so many different spells to wake mum and to unlock the stupid door but nothing had worked.

"You okay?" "Apart from the burning of my veins just peachy." I tried to hide my worried look, how much longer would he be able to fight the urge to rip my head off?


"I win!" I decleared, we found a stick and was playing noughts and crosses in the dirt. "Cheater." "No you're just not very good." We had to do something to pass the time whilst we waited for something, anything to happen.

"I'm going first this time." "Fine." I said easily he drew out the board and we played again. I don't really know how long we played for but it felt like a while. I didn't even know if it was morning or not at this point. We were just kind of timeless.

"Timeless." I said out loud. "What?" "Time... We need more time so we freeze time." "Yeah and then we can go plant flowers on the moon." "No I'm serious. My aunty Freya taught me a spell once..." What was it... Come on. "Water. I need water." "What are you on about... I think you're losing it." "Shut up." 

"Markus!" I shout banging on the door. "Markus!" I call over and over until he appears. "I need something to drink... unless you're trying to kill me?" "What if I am?" "If you wanted me dead I'd be dead... Like three days ago... So... Water?" "Sure." He brought me a glass. "Hey can I get some blood?" Damon tried. "Water doesn't make her have freak like strength or speed... You'll live without a little blood." And then he left.

"Alright Crazypants what's this spell." I ignored the nickname and knelt on the floor. I took my hair grip out of my hair and bent it into a straight line. I rest it in the middle of the water. So it was like a clock, reading 6 o'clock. "Time standstill, I order you. No minute pass until I'm through. Doing what I need to do. Time standstill I order you!" I streatch my palm flat above the glass and the hairgrip spun around quickly. 

"How do we know when it's worked?" I ignore him focusing on the spell. There was more to it than just the little poem I said out loud. I'm not really sure that had any effect on the spell or it was just a fun thing Freya added to make my magic classes more fun for me. "Done." I say when the girb laid still. 

"Now what?" "Now we think of a plan." "I'm too hungry to think, you think." I sighed and closed my eyes focusing. My mind flicked through my mental spell book going through spell after spell. I try a few. Whilst time was paused it meant mum wouldn't be hurting she'd just be frozen. 

"How many more spells are you going to try until you give up?" Damon asked already laid down. I had been at this for three hours according to the water clock I made. It started at 6 o'clock and it now read 9. "Until I find the right one." "You'll get tired." "Thanks for the concern but I'll be fine." I said focusing again trying yet another spell. "You did that one already." "Then let me focus and I won't repeat myself." I snapped. 

I was hungry, tired and weak from doing magic constatly for three hours. As well as holding a spell strong. "Just have a break, we can do it again tomorrow." "I don't know how much time my mum has left! so tomorrow might be too late!" "I won't let it get to that?" "Do you have a spell book up you arse that I don't know about? No... Didn't think so. So how are you going to assure she doesn't die!" I shouted. The spell broke. I let out a frustrated scream throughing the glass agaisnt the wall ahead of me. 

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