Fuzzy Memories

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I waited in the woods for the tall Tribrid. She was now 5 minutes late but I could hear her foot steps the closer she got. "About time Bambie." I said she was breathing heavily. "You try getting up at 5:30 and getting here without you magical running." She said trying to catch her breath back as she walks in circles slowly. 

"Ready?" I asked her after she caught her breath from running here. "Ready." 

I told her I'd teach her how to fight. She wants to get herself in stupid situations she at least needs to know how to fight so she stands a chance. I've been working with her since the weekend after her father skipped town. She's got the strength but not the accuracy and when she has accuracy she has no strngth behind it but she's getting there. 

"Cool it Brown eyes." I said holding her hand before she stabbed me with the stake. "Sorry." "Don't let the anger take over." Rick said walking around us. He took it upon himself to join us at these things, we told him 30 minutes after we met so I can get practice in with her. She needs to fight smart not clean. Rick is too much of a brown nose. 

She removes her arm from over my throat and took a few steps back. "Catch" He throw her a latge wooden staff if you will. It was tall than her and probably heavy than her. "Attack me." She starts off calm until she gets in her head. She's got a lot of pent up anger and it bubbles over. I grabbed her by her waist pulling her off Rick before she accidentally killed him. "Woah. Woah woah." I say spinning her away to stop her from actually getting to him. "Breathe." I whipser in her ear as I held her off the floor. She through the wooden pole on the floor. Just letting me hold her in the air. 

Rick was laid on the floor panting. "How many times control!" "How many times dont touch me!" She shouted back. Pulling my arms off from around her. "Where are you going?" Rick called as she walked off into the woods. "away from you!" 


"So she feels Elena's pain everytime he touches her?" I confirm with Bonnie wh just told me why she freaked out so bad. "Yeah, she feels stuff everytime she touches someone." I frown, I know she can get in peoples heads, but I didn't know she physically felt things. "Like what?" "Pain mostly... With some people it's joy it just depends on the person." I nodded. "Elena was friends with her uncle Tyler..." "Lockwolf? Is her uncle." "Hayley's best friend keep up." She rolled her eyes. "She doesn't know why but she has fuzzy memories of Elena, things she can't figure out all too well." "Okay." "But she has a connection to her... So the pain, the screams, the scene she sees play every time Rick touches her it hurts her." "Why aren't they clear?" "I don't know. I promised her I'll look into it but honestly I've found nothing. She's rare she's one of a kind and theres nothing on her abilities everything she is is a msytry. She was created by a spell, a curse." "Does she know that?" Bonnie shakes her head. "Hayley told her she was a one in a trillion chance... a miricle." 

It would break her if she found out that she was just a curse to her dad. Though I knew he did love her. The way he held her and spoke so softly to her. The way he looked at her proudly. It was love. 


"You're getting better." I say impressed after being pinned on the floor. "Now just finish it off." I said before flipping her on to the floor and holding her down. She obsevered the situation. But got annoyed and started to kick up. "Don't let your anger control you." Rick said. She rolled her head, his presence was making her more frustrated. "Co-"Control. We know." We said in unison silencing him. "Come on little witch. Get out of it or I'll bite you." I said with a smirk. She looked at her wrists being pinned down by my grip on them. "Not if I bite you first." She shot back before she used all her leg power to push me up. I fall back on my back and then she was quick grabbing the stake that had been kicked away in our fall to the floor. I stood up quickly and watched her closely. 

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