I hate you!

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I watched my brother unravel. Two days he sat beside his bed where the girl he really seemed to care about laid. Dead. He was convinced she'd wake up. Not only did I have him in the house who was refusing to greive but I also had Lizzie. 

She ahd been lashing out a lot at her sister and Josie was up for a fight too apparently and wasn't taking Lizzie's outburst as normal. And to add to it I had my wifes baby father living with us to try and help calm the girls though they both were just ignoring him. Care felt guilty for letting any of this happen. She thinks she should have kept a closer eye on the young girl. Bonnie was in and out over the past few days she looked pretty tired. She'd mostly sit with Damon but they wouldn't talk. She'd just kind of watch him.

We all were just watching him. He's not hand a drink of anything other than the odd bit of blood Care forced down him. I was surpirsed when the Bourbon I ban him before I headed to bed was still there in the morning. It's like he's frozen he just holds her hand and watches for any sign of life. 

I would say the house was quiet without her. But it was so much louder. Lizzie and Josie screaming at each other. Any time Lizzie see's Damon she wants to killing him and has tried twice already. We now keep her away from him. Izzie although had only been here with us for a little over 8 months she was part of the family. Care, cared about her deeply like she was her own. And the girls loved her like she was their triplet. They clicked instantly. And she seemed to have a strong influence on Damon. Positive and no ones did that since Elena... but I think this will be a forever change in him. I see glimpses of his old self before he ever turned. The nice brother the one who cared and looked after me even when I didn't know it. Now he's just a shell but when he moves on from this I think he'll be a little nicer.

I hope.

We still hadn't managed to get ahold of any of her family yet, thats part of the reason everyones tolerating Damon having a dead body in his bed for this long because everyone knew the Mikaelson's would want to take her to be burried with her father. And until they came we had no where to move her too. 

Everyone that was at the house minus Damon was sat at the dining table. We were eating dinner but no one really felt up to it. "Girls please eat something." Rick encouraged. "If they don't want to eat they don't have to." Care said not letting the girls speak for themselves. "They need to eat Caroline." "And-"ISABELLA! Isabella Wake up." We all shot up and ran to Damon was he having his psycotic break that has been pending since 1864? 

We we got to the door Izzie chest was moving slightly. So slightly. Damon was whispering to her. "Get me a blood bag." Bonnie ran to get one ready for when she woke up. "She's alive?" Lizzie said in a disbeleife. After three days you'd think they would stay dead. But not this one. 

She went over to her friend holding her hand tightly you could see how hard she was gripping her friends hand scared she'd slip away. 


I watched with wide eyes waiting for her to open her beautful eyes. It was going to happen. I knew it. She had to wake up... So told me she would. "Come on, wake up." Lizzie said getting impaitent. "Isabella, wake up or help you god." Lizzie said again. Josie was by my side by now waiting in anticpation. I let Josie hold her other hand the one ive been holding for days now and took a step back giving the girls space. I watched Her eyelids moved before they began to flutter open and everyone let out a collective sigh of relief. She was alive. She was awake. 

She looked around the room. "Damon?" "You're alive!" Lizzie engulfed her in a tight embraced Josie hugging her too just as tight. I walked over to the 'adults' and stood behind them. Stefen frowned at me. "What are you doing?" "She should be with you guys." "Damon." "What Stefen?" "Don't push her away because she cared enough." "She'll just end up hurt... Make sure she drinks this." I tell him tossing him the bag. "Damon. I'll be outside." 

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