A Villa

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"I told you"Karuna says when I enters in my room.

"Just shut up already, Karuna"

"Aamir really likes you and you can't change that fact. I told you,he came for you in the evening but you denied it. He will keep coming . Why you don't want to acknowledge his feelings?"she continues despite of my frustration.

"He doesn't know"my voice  chocked due to emotions which is overwhelming me. Tears falls from my eyes and Karuna engulfs me in a tight hug. She moves her hand on my back to pacify me. "I don't know what he saw in me but....if he find out about my past...

"May be he understand that it's not your fault"she tries to reason with me.

"He is not you. If he finds out about my divorce,he will blame me like
  everyone else. He will taunt me,insult me.He will disclose it to everyone and then I'll be typecast in different category.Many will pity on me while other will judge me for my failed relationship and early marriage. I'll become a topic of college gossip." I express myself and her smile vanish. Sometimes I feel , I am putting burden on this innocent soul who just want to explore life.I have emotional baggage which now and then make entry in my life. In one such event she finds out about my past .

"Please,leave me Ibrahim,leave me"someone is jerking me and my eyes opens.Karuna is standing besides me with concern on her face.

"Aamna"she hands me a glass of water which I drink in one go."This is third time in a week."

"I know"

"Who is Ibrahim ?"she asks and I stay mum.I can't share it with anyone,she might use it against me. How can I tell her what's bothering me? Will she understands when my family failed to do so.She is just an eighteen year old girl who has no experience of cruel world .

"Is he harassing you?'My eyes focus on her.She is filled with genuine concern which I didn't experience in a long time.

"Is he outsider?"

"You know him?"my heart sank on this statement. I know him and his torture.She sense my body language.

"Is he belongs to elite class?"

"Is he asking sexual favour?"

"Is he threatening you?"She is asking multiple questions but I am on my way to mental breakdown. I can't listen her properly ,a fog appears in my mind which stops me to think straight.

"Fine , I'll inform our hostel administration about this and they shall solve your problem."she start moving towards gate unlike my prediction.She opens gate of our room.

"He was my  husband "I spurts in heat of moment. I can't hear one more word from her. I am tired of  interrogative conversation which is happening in my life for years.

"What?'she shouts."are you out of your mind?.You not even crossed 20."

"That's my truth."my head hung low in shame.

"I am sorry"she puts her hand on my hand and I put my head on her shoulder.

"He is my nightmare which I am struggling to forget. That guy tarnished my dignity. He loves humiliating me  in public and private space. He loves to beat me ,it gives him sadistic pleasure and everyone thinks it's the treatment a whore..

"Aamna "she put her hand on my lips."please don't use such cheap words for yourself.I know you are not like that."

"But everyone does,even my family. I am woman of questionable character. I am desperate for a man to the extent that I can sleep with anyone . I am troubling my husband with extra romantic advances."

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