First Girlfriend

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Its been a month of my life in Delhi. I am adapting to lifestyle of this metro city. Unlike Lucknow here people doesn't poke their nose and mind their own business. Its welcoming change for me as I don't have to be cautious about lousy neighbours. Sometimes I miss the warm smiles of people in the streets. I miss the bike ride with friends. I miss that cutting chai(tea). I miss those carefree laughter. Delhi has many things to offer but I miss that sense of belonging, I have with Lucknow. I miss the city and its people. Top of all  I miss Abbu, Ammi, Asma and Anara. We used to eat dinner together each and every day. We shared so many stories and  our laughter echoed in whole house. Its easy for a girl to express her feelings but hard for . We too left our home for better future. We too missed our parents,families  friends and hometown but we doesn't shed tears.

"Hey hero" Mushtaq hit hard on my back

"What is this Mushtaq? My back hurts."

"Its good it hurts atleast your homesickness is gone for a minute." he flashed a toothy grin.

"lets go out to have some fresh air." he forced me to get ready for dinner. We drive our car to Hauz khas village and its far from village in reality. Its hub of various clubs, pub and restaurants serving dishes of all parts of world. Illuminating lights, peppy music and young crowd make the place alive in night. Mushtaq choose a club 'the rock which is famous for serving Italian cuisine.

"Are you sure about this place?" I asked him as I smell alcohol in the air. I never ate at place serving alcoholic beverage.

"Relax Aamir, they serve Halal food and they don't serve alcohol on this floor."

"You know Mushtaq, I don't eat at place serving alcohol. I am leaving." I announced but he hold my hand and We grab attention of people. Two man wink at my side and I felt uncomfortable. They were checking out me and first time in my life I understand the pledge of women around the world. I  jerk my hand from his grip.

"Alcohol and non veg food became synonyms nowadays. Most of the place have it and if you asked they denied on your face but everybody keep it in stores." he said and I understand his point. This hoteliers are cheating vegan and vegetarians with the same trick.

We sat at far side booth and ordered our food.

" Hey "a sweet voice hinder our conversation. I looked above a girl of mine age standing across the table. She is wearing a black backless dress. Its barely covering her thighs." What if her underwear... "I left the thoughts immediately.

" Hello. "I replied.

" Actually all other booths are full and me & my gang"she signed towards a group of girls. "has no place to dine. If you don't mind, can we sit here?" she asked

"Sure" Mushtaq blurted.

"This woman manic won't learnt anything. If girls asked his life, he will give happily. "I flashed a evil smile towards him. Soon group of girls occupied the empty space.

" Sharon"the girl we earlier interect introduced herself. She sat besides me. She is sitting thighs to thighs and arms to arms to me. My stomach churned and mouth dried. I felt sweats in air condition.

" Aamir. "I replied and moved inches apart from her.

" which college? "she asked

" MAMC "

" Medico? "

" Yes "

" Don't mind but I never saw such a happening Medico before "

" So you think medicos are boring and bookworm. We do have a life outside hospital and patient. "I said while chewing my pasta.

" Than I would like to explore that outside life" she said playfully.

"Sure." I replied

She took a tissue paper and wrote her number with the help of pink lipstick. She forwarded the paper to me and blood rushed to my cheeks.  First time I am getting female attention and that too from a such a hot girl. I noticed man stealing glances towards her, ignoring their partner.

"You are one lucky guy as Sharon doesn't give her number to everyone." her friend winked and I felt lucky.

"Its haram Aamir, don't do this. She is not a mahram." my inner voice shouted but I suppressed my inner voice. I was in euphoria of having a girl's attention that I broke principles which I advocate to follow. In my haste and madness I commit thing I later going to regret.

I insisted to pay the bill as its wrong to ask a lady to pay for a bill. We spent thirty thousands in few hours but I didn't regret. I was more than happy to paying the bill and having amazing company. I was surprised to gain a girl's contact on first meeting but Mushtaq said handsome guy like me are hard to resist. Although I believe him I remembered Aamna who easily resist my company. She behaved like I am a germ which  should be avoided at all cost.
'Arrogant woman' my inner voice joined me in bitching about Aamna.Later at night I called Sharon and we talked whole night. She is studying mass communication in Delhi university. She is from Murshidabad and shifted Delhi a year ago. Its so easy to talk to her. She said," I  never met someone as fascinating as you Aamir" . We decided to hang  out on sunday. It feels so good to have someone in this metro city.

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