He is not the one

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Voter ID✔️
Aadhar card ✔️
School certificate✔️
Character certificate✔️
NEET marksheet✔️
Admission receipt✔️
Hostel receipt✔️

I checked my document one last time. Daryaganj police station is few meters away from me. I just needs to go inside ,show my papers and get verified . You must be wondering ,why I am going through this process . Police verification will help me to get jobs in others house. I can help in home schooling of kids. I can be house helper,baby sitter or cook. Unlike other kids I have no inhibition in doing anything which is decent work. I can do anything except selling my body. Many women choose that path but I don't want to travel that road. I am in dire need of money as my scholarship isn't credited in my account till now.

I looks towards the building. Everything is good but I don't know why my legs is trembling,my hands is shaking . I feels restlessness inside me, an unknown fear is engulfing me to run away , from this place ,but ,I moves ahead ,key of my secure future lies here.

Its really hard for me to suppress memories of my bitter past experiences. Event unfolded in police station years ago and consequences I faced after that.Faces of Ibrahim,DSP Dil bagh sing, Abba, Ammi,Iqra, Hussain, neighbours , relatives start appearing in front of my eyes. Their facial expressions haunts me. I am on the verge of crying.

"Allah raham"I murmurs and a lone tear roll down from my left eye. It makes it way towards my chin and falls down,making no difference on the already dusty road. Sometimes people became just like this road our tears makes no difference in their heart. No matter how much you weep you can't melt their heart just like this road.
"Its worthless "my inner voice comes just like a sunshine after a hurricane.
My memories is those hurricane which destroys everything comes in its way. Sometimes I wish a miracle to happen in my life which let me forget everything,every painful memory,people associated with it .

I keep my file close to my chest and holds it tightly as my shield from outer world. I enters inside police station and to my surprise there is a woman who is in the charge of station. I can't express in words how much relief pour over me. It ease my anxiety to some extent and to my surprise she is easy to approach.

"Isn't police unapproachable and ruthless?"question arises in my mind which I discard immediately. Constable piles Xerox copies of original documents in a file and now my part is over. This incident boost up my confidence and give me assurance to trust that , everyone is not demon out there.

I am really late for college as two lectures is over till now and I am rushing to not miss third one. I scan the classroom and runs towards Karuna to know about current prime problem, the chits from stranger.

"No"She mouth and I get another good news today.It seems today is lucky day for me.

"Whoohoo "immediately come out from my mouth. I twirl near my desk and bad news arrives. My eyes meet with Aamir and my smile drops. His sole attention is on me. I avert my eyes from his and focus on the diagram of brain on the blackboard. I can feel his eyes roaming on my body from tip to toe . This is indecent , this is wrong , Aamir stop it. I look him again and this time it's really hard to look away. Something very strong hold me from looking away. I can't deny it. I never feel like this before. I don't know how to deal with it. I already have many strong emotions in the plate, I can't deal with another one, not today,may be in future.

"What am I thinking? "I pat on my face to compose myself. I sit on my table and feel really bad for my whirlwind thoughts. Its really frustrating to loose control like this but why I am worrying.May be he is staring because of that salty bitter chit. Yes,thats the reason. Chit chapter is over for once and all. I should relax and focus on my studies. This thoughts bring back hope and joy in my heart.

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