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"Shut up " Abba's voice gave shivers to my spine.His hand was in air to give me a tight slap .I Closed my eyes in fear. I know its going to sting and hurt me.My heart beat is raising, I feel I am suffering from tachycardia. I never seen Abba  this angry like I am witnessing now. Until now he nAamir  ever raised his hand . He always believes in sorting matter by negotiations and talks.

In childhood whenever we demands toys or sweet, chocolates .Ammi refused excessive demands when we hadn't behave properly she is the one who gave us punishment. Abba was chill out personality who spoiled us with gifts ,toys and other things. My past keep flashing in front of my eyes. It let me feel nostalgic and emotional.

"Go back to your room . "I listened his voice which calmed me. He didn't hit me even in the condition when he is extremely angry. I nodded to him and start moving towards stairs.

"We'll discuss it when your mother will be alright. Don't think you have license to romance with that girl . Got it ." He said from behind

"Got it."I said with chocking voice. So this is it for me and Aamna. Abba act typically like movies and films where they say "Abba nahi manege (Dad won't agree) before parting ways. I never knew wbat it would be in her company. Did she laugh on PJ or smiles on romantic scenes in the movie. How she sleeps? I wanted to lead her in prayers butit looks like distant dream. I have confidence that Abba ,Ammi will respect my decision just like they did every time.

"What went wrong now ? " I  mumbled. Abba always takes my side why not today? I have intent to marry her what's wrong in that.

Days passed away just like that ,Me and Abba isn't on speaking terms. He behaved like I commit a crime which I hadn't. I just fall  in love with a girl ,she is also a  Muslim,desire to have a Halal relationship ,We hadn't commit adult stuffs still he is behaving like Hitler.Anger is building up in my heart.

Today Ammi's quarantine period will be over so does for Asma and Anara.I helped her in coming out and sit on sofa. Than I brings water to her and Abba brings some fresh fruits.After putting it on table we sat on distant  side of table.He sat on the seat of head of family  and I sat near other end of table. There is pin drop silence in room.

"What happened? Ammi asked while keeping one grapes in her mouth.I shrugged my shoulders as I don't want her to take stress at this moment.

"what happened?"  this time she turned towards my father.

"Ask your Son" he gritted his teeth.

"Aamir what's going on and Salman why are you blaming him?"

"Why I shouldn't?"I have sent this brat to studies as this is his dreams but he is busy in entertaining himself.  " he shouted and my mother looks towards me to explain 

"Ammi ,when you were sick there is girl who helped me in taking care of you all and I like her."This time I said calmly.

"She created rift without entering my house , great ." Asma said .

"She hadn't done anything like that . Abba overreacted, In today's time people grown liking for someone  what's the big deal."

"It is big deal because  she is divorcee and dumped by her family. Why you want to bring such low life to my house." Abba said in one go

"You enquired about her.." I asked

"Why I shouldn't? Huh Aamir why I shouldn't? He shakes me.
" I had high hopes from you. I'll do this and that for your wedding but you disappointed me. One fine day you  claimed  be in love with a girl. I need to know whom he wanted to marry. Its my duty to figure out that she is good for our family or not and  I disapprove this match." He start  leaving after saying that .

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