Freshers Week

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Aamna and Aamir is flawed character who might commit some mistakes but their core value remains intact. They are very normal people with some ambitions . If you are okay with it than carry on. If you have disagreement with something depicted in story please be civil and don't post hate comments,it kills the motivation to write further.

When Allah (SWT) desires good for someone, He tries him with hardships.” – Sahih al-Bukhari











"Ahhhh"  Aamna and Karuna screamed in the middle of lecture.

"Rat, rat , plaese save us.." they shouted and ran in the class.

Everyone looked towards them and soon realising the facts, half of population of class is on the bench & table. Rest are running towards door and I am enjoying the chaos. I am recording everything from the far right seat.

  I was waiting for this moment to arrive since past fifteen days. I carried mouse in ratcage almost everyday and today I got the chance. Aamna and Karuna went to washroom, leaving their bags in classroom. Classroom is almost empty. I placed the animal in their bag and closed it. Professor T. N. Raghavan is about to come. Students are rushing to grab their seat as professor hate latecomers.

"Good morning sir." we  greet him and devil duo is few seconds late. They sneak into classroom when sir is writing on the board.

"Today we shall discuss about physiology of cardiovascular system . Its very important topic so I wish you have full attention in lecture." Sir said while turning towards the black board. We nodded in acknowledgment. Few minutes passed in absolute silence and then tiny mouse jumped on Karuna and she shouts. Aamna joined her and class disturbed. Students start running here and there. Those tiny devil 'mouse' get out from the class to ate cheeze and bread I placed outside.

Prof. Raghavan is angry like never before "Silence."

Everyone stop there activity and focus fully on the professor.

"Where is the rat Aamna?"

"sir, its here and it jumped on us." she replied truthfully.

"I can't see it anywhere."

"Sir trust me it was here."

"You tried really well but I don't buy your bullshit. You two will be suspended from my class for a week."

"Please sir, don't punish us." She pleads but professor didn't budge from his place.

They pick their bag and move towards the door. Aamna look towards me and I wave her bye with smirk on my face. Realisation hit her.


"I'll not leave that son of devil." I uttered.

"I can't believe he is behind this sinister plan." Karuna said who is walking back and forth in the corridor.

"We'll miss all cardio lecture and gained negative reputation." I uttered in disappointed voice.

"I played harmless prank and he played sinister game I'll not leave him. I'll give him anesthesia before exam." she fumed in anger.

"slight overdose of anesthesia is lethal." someone said from the behind. We both turned around and that senior, Karuna tried to rag, standing confidently. We bowed our heads to give respect. He is moving towards us and our breath heightened.

"Allah, today is already a bad day, don't turned it into worst." I prayed looking towards the sky.

He took step towards us and stand infront of Karuna. I can feel her trembling figure besides me.

"You will not attempt anything stupid like you intend to do." he said in authorative voice.

"I'll not." Karuna said looking towards the floor. Its unsaid law of college, we can't look in eyes of our superior. We have to obey their orders. He left after that and we sighed. We headed towards canteen to pass remaining time as our next class is in one hour. Smirk was plastered on the face of arrogant Aamir for rest of the day. I wanted to smash his face and wipe that stupid smirk.

"Aa dekhe zara kisme kitna hai dum (come, let see, who has more power) he sang while bypassing us in the corridor. Earlier I wasn't in the revenge mood but now I'll show him stars.



Four day passed and I didn't get any chance to show  Aamir his place. Every day he tried to make fun of us. I was angry so does Karuna. Today is fifth day of our suspension. Me and Karuna was sitting in the garden waiting for the lecture to end so we can join the rest of class in next lecture.  Just like every other day Aamir passed nasty remarks.

"Nowadays girls doesn't have dressing sense. They think showing their bare legs makes them attractive." he passed comment on clothes of Karuna. I know she wore shorts on first day but after that she abandon them. She wear jeans and t shirts just like everyone.

" Look Aamir..

"and Muslim women defending them and why don't they? They also forget to wear hizab or may be there parents hadn't taught them." he taunt me.

Tears start brimming in my eyes. I am not a hizabi for a reason. All my efforts to forget my past went down the drain. He hit where it hurts the most.

Aamna what happened to your Hizab?

Why your Abaya is torn?

Women this days pretends to be good muslim but they are sluts behind veil.

I saw her with multiple men in the street.

I closed my ears with my hands. Those accusing voice start ringing in my mind again. I can't take it any more. I ran away from the place. I don't know where I am heading. I just need to go away from everyone and everything. My heart was racing and mind was flashing darkest side of my life. I wanted to erase that. My hairband was fall and my hairs were opened. My dupatta fall on road. I was running like crazy. My body was perplexing. I was on the road, continues honks of vehicles made me crazy. I saw a vehicle is moving towards me, honking continuously. I need to move from the place but I can't. I stay rooted on place,ready to take the blow but a hand pulled me towards the footpath. I received a hard slap on my face to bring me back to reality. Concern is present in her  eyes for me and I hugged her tightly. She took me to secluded place of our campus, giving me time to settle down. She placed a water bottle in front of me and I drank in one go. I combed my hairs and we returned to college.

"I am sorry because of my stupid prank, you are facing all this." Karuna hold her ears.

"Its not your fault, fault is in my stars." I said with closed eyes. They said, you can leave your past but your past will never leave you. It will haunt you forever. Dark memories will haunt me forever. I have to live with it.

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