The Gift

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Dedicated to s12mohite


Delhi is very different from Luckhnow and why it shouldn't,
its national capital of my country ' India' .People from all over the country came here for various purposes which makes it a very crowded place.
No matter wherever you look, you will found people walking, running, chit chatting or fighting with each other. Whatever route you will take, traffic has to be there.

Since last half an hour we are stuck in a traffic jam. There is continuous horns from vehicles around me.Everybody is in the hurry to reach somewhere. The roads are chaotic and drivers are crazy. Red Fort one kilometer ahead, board infront of me indicating location of place. I clicked the picture of mess around me and posted it on my instagram story with caption "Guess where I am?"

The air in Delhi is smogy and suffocating. I can feel my each and every inhale as it slightly burns at entrance of nostrils. I looked around and that weirdo Mushtaq is not in the car. Day one in new city and trouble already begin. I came out from my car and there he is, standing in the middle of road, troubling people with his weird questions.

"Assalamualaikum, I am your friend Mushtaq and today I am vlogging about Delhi and its people. So stay tuned to me for more update."

"Mushtaq, stop that and come here." I shouts.

After  journey of two hours, we reached our destination. My father choose the best place to live. This colony is very peaceful and surrounded with trees. Every house maintain a kitchen garden in backyard and front garden at the entrance. The house nearby our bungalow has mango tree at the entrance. They tied small pots on the tree to feed birds. Two parrots were  drinking water from one pot and few sparrows were eating grains from the pot. The sound of chirping is very soothing.
Our house has small plants at the entrance. We had dahelia, roses and marigold at entrance which gave very pleasant fragrance to the visitors. Two chairs and a table made from bamboo placed at one corner of garden and that is going to be my favourite place for sure.

We look our bungalow and its fully furnished, having all the things which a modern household needs. In the middle of there is prayer room. It was made in a way that we can invited a stranger to pray without disclosing whole house. It has tiles having pattern of prayer mat on the floor. One wall solely dedicated to "Al-Quran". Another wall has an almirah full of Islamic books which I am going to read in upcoming years. This place is heart of the house.
I came out and a small girl came "This is for you" she handed me a letter and run away.

I opened the letter

My dear Aamir, I hope you like what I gave you. I made this house from investment purpose but later decided to gift you. This house has all facilities to enjoy life but it has prayer room in the middle. You know heart also present in the middle of body. This place is heart of house and heart always filled to be with prayer and love. You are in the new city where you find people from different cultures and upbringing. Some might not share same value as you have but for that don’t hate them. Always filled your heart with love and compassion. One of our  neighbour is  not Muslim but I don't hate them and I expect the same with you. If someone isn't your friends but has quality, appreciate their good deed.
You have conflicts with others, tackle it with patience. Don't let rage blinds you.

You will have many distraction to misguide you but you have "Al-Quran" with you which can guide you. Don't left path of  truth and love. Always remember Allah loves you the most and has the authority to forgive your every sin. Turned to him when you dont have any path and he won't disappoint you. Have faith in Allah.

                              Allah Hafiz
                              Your father

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