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"Stop it Aamir ,stop this drama of marraige and love.I am come here to become a doctor not someone's wife.You are born with silver spoon but I am not. " Aamna said with so much anger .

"You shouldn't demean others efforts. May be you have faced more hurdles than mine but that doesn't discount the fact that I have worked really hard to come here. I have studied as much as you do. It's not easy for a child to opt profession other than what their family members used to do. I understand economic hurdles but that doesn't give you or anybody right to take our efforts lightly. I have scored 590 out of 600. That's a big deal,that's a damn big deal." I have blurted angrily and why I shouldn't.

I can tolerate anything but I can never tolerate disrespect to my genuine efforts. Daily studies of 14 hours is a big deal.There is many distractions and obstacles. Many time I have said no to outing ,movies.I didn't know why but anger overpower me today.

"Is it easy to keep studying in a closed room for hours.?
Isn't there was pressure to excel to get a good college?
Is it easy to surpass lacs of candidates and secure rank one?
Answer me Aamna is it that easy?"

"I am.."she tries to ease the situation

"No..no ....that's not the answer of my question " I have looking directly in her eyes and she lower her eyes.I think she never imagined that things will be turned out this bad but there is a limit to certain things.

"We all have came here to become a doctor and serve the society. Beign doctor doesn't mean you are emotionless.Its not a crime to pursue someone you likes. "I tried to reasoned her

"Even after that person refused politely. I have denied your offer many times but still you are bothering me. You are crossing your line and harassing me. Don't you know coercion is crime ." She shouted loudly.

It hurts me ,my intentions wasnt to harm her but...
She thinks so lowly of me.

"I won't bother you from now on." I left the campus with heavy heart. I took the cab today as I was not in my sense to drive carefully.Events of today keep repeating in my mind.My eyes were moist and there is wetness on cheek.

When I reached to my home,without wasting a second ,I headed to my room .I lie down on my bed,chest hitting the bed and face hided in my pillow.

Respect is first step of a relationship.If there is not respect what other peeson will become.Their existence,like and dislike will be taken for granted.One peraon will dominate and other will keep following orders.Relatinship doesnt mean to kill one person's identity.Events of past few months keep repeating in my mind.The times where she gave faint smiles,her eyes searching me in crowd ,keep looking towards me.I had hope that their is spark between us but that is my foolishness.
There should be no ego in a relationship but ....

She doesnt like my presence so she will get what she likes.
My eyes wanders to the poetry book on the table and a laugh escape from my mouth

There is call of prayers and I move towatds mosque.Afterall peace is in the prayers and nowhere else.p

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