First Day

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This chapter dedicated slow_learner

"Aamna, Aamna wake up" I am shaken up by my one and only roommate.

"What's up Karuna, let me sleep for some more time." I said and cover my face with blanket.

"No, you can't sleep." she snatched my blanket and I gave her what's wrong with you look. "Listen today is saturday means last working day of college and from Monday they will invite freshers means us."

"So... I gave her pointing look.

" You are so naive my dear. Listen if we enter on monday, our senior most probably rag us...

"but ragging is illegal... I argued

" When its reported. Students afraid to report such things and seniors named is 'introduction'. "she blurted and I looked at her with full attention" So what's the plan. "

" Familiarity is the key. "she said and I as usual clueless."We'll do a tour to whole college so we won't end up locked in any isolated place and second we'll be familiar to all lecturers so we won't end up insulting them."

Her plan sound interesting and I ran  towards washroom. I get ready hurriedly and we ran towards college. College is on walking distance of ten minutes. We reach college and smile appeared on our face. This is gone be our learning space for next few years. We check each story of the main building of our college which has different departments like microbiology, neurology, biotechnology on different floors. Then we move to central library which is in the separate building. We tried to sneak in till...

"Hey, you two where are you going? " A man in mid sixties scolds us.

"We are just exploring... Karuna tried to explain

" This is not place to explore and have fun. This is my library and I expect discipline here. Go now. "he shunned  us. We bow our head and then burst into laughter. Karuna mimic him and his hands & facial gesture and I can't stop laughing. I laughed like this after years. I can't pinpoint when I laughed last.

" I heard you are  Al-Wahhab and today witness it too."I murmured looking towards sky and then a glance to Karuna. " I always ask for something to lessen my pain. At times I starting to believe, you forget me, you won't look at my misery but I was wrong. Its just first day of college and you grant me my smile which was lost somewhere."

"Aamna" karuna moved her hand infront of me and I get back to real world. "What is this yaar, I was talking to you and you were lost in some other world." she complained

"I am sorry." I said.

"Forget it, who is the lucky guy." she tap on my shoulder and raised her brows.

"Its not like that." I tried to clear her misconception and she smiled mischievously. "I wish my life will be like your misconception." I sighed and followed her.
We reached to the cafeteria and its my first experience to a place like this. I looked around and the interior is very beautiful. Its wall is made up of glass and there is small wall sections between the glasses which is painted in abstract. They used small wooden tables and chairs which is polished. Natural colour of furniture is visible and it looked attractive. Slow sound of music is coming from speakers fitted in roof.Its early afternoon ao place is not crowded. Karuna chooses a centre table as expected. She loves to socialise and this is perfect place to meet & greet new people.

"So Ms. Aamna, what you want to eat today?"she handed me menu card and honestly I am clueless about what to order. It is my first experience to place like this and names printed in menu card I never heard before forget about testing.

" Lovely lady like you deserve the honour. "I said with smile.

"but you..

" No, you order today, I'll order tomorrow. "I gave menu card in her hand.

" One Margherita pizza please. "she said to the waiter curtly and I mentally repeated the name. Our order placed on the table and                 " yummy " is only word came out from our mouth.



" Mushtaq "I was calling him from last ten minutes and there is no trace of tbat weirdo. Terrace is the only place left and there he is standing with mouth opened wide, gazing at something. I followed his gaze and I didn't know what to feel. I feel shy and excited at the same time. A girl wearing shorts and speghati  top walking on the terrace across us. She is talking on phone and probably unaware of our presence. I saw girls dressed up like that in movies. Its my first time seeing something like that so closely. Her hairs is flowing in air and she is moving her fingers in them. I can't stop looking her. Her milky white skin, bare long legs and skin around her chest.
My mind alarmed "Haram" and I lowered my gaze. Its hard to control my urge to steal a glance of her. I hold Mushtaq and we came downstairs.

Tomorrow is going to be first day of my college and I can't wait for that.There is nervousness at the same time excitement to start a new chapter of my life. I am going to make new friends. I'll learn many things both academic and practical life. Its difficult to sleep when you can't wait. I wake up before alarm rings. I offer the fajr prayer, have my breakfast and I am ready to go.


"I can't do this anymore." I sighed and sat on the bed.

"Just one more." Karuna pleads and I am again on the duty. Past one hour we spent on the selfie session. Its good to take a picture of your first day of college for remembrance but our madam Karuna took it to some other level. We take pictures in our room, hostel garden, hostel gate, college gate and every spot  she think photogenic.

We were early and students are start  coming after us. Karuna blabbers something in my ear which horrified me. I want to stop her but she is too far to stop.

"Hey you, where are you going?" she stopped a very handsome guy in his track. He did not looks like fresher but who am I to judge,looks can be decisive.

"You are talking to me." he asked politely.

"Yes, I am talking to you. Don't you have manners to respect your seniors." she tried to intimidate him.

"So you want me to respect you." he said a word and took calculative steps towards her. I sense the danger and we ran from that place.

I saw Aamir was coming from entrance and he is looking dashing in his denim jeans and white apron which is covering his grey shirt. He is coming towards us and somebody stop him. Who is she? Why she looks like Karuna, I look around and she is the one there. I move towards them.

"Yes boss." He said looking downwards.

"You said you like singing. You can sing here what's say." she said nonchalantly.

"but boss I am bathroom singer. I can't sing in....

" You are defying your senior. Your job is to sing, good or bad. I'll decide. "she intimidate him and he sang awfully. People make his video on their phone. I can't stop laughing and he stop.

He looks at me like he wants to murder me. His piercing gaze makes me uncomfortable and I just ran away from there.

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