The change

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A/N I had big plans for this story but my personal and professional life doesn't giving me time to finish this story with ease I know people are waiting to know what will happen next but as I am unable to complete it ,I am giving ending to this story with brief highlights what was planned for this couple


Vila in south Delhi

The weather is so good today that there are some black clouds in the sky, which is giving signs of upcoming rains . Soft breeze is touching my face. I am sitting on the balcony of our villa, my villa, to be precise. Aamir gifted me as a wedding gift. I can't believe that once I put the demand for a house for agreeing for marriage with him. When pur marriage happened, that demand was forgotten to me, but he remembered. I still have not forgotten the day he brought me here. There was a row of roses in the entryway along with decorations of bouquets of orchids and Lilly. Rose is a sign of mine while  orchids signify him .His sisters and mother cheered for me .I never knew my in laws will be this much supportive. My starting judgment was so wrong about them.

And Aamir ,I was so wrong about him.I was so wrong about marriage too. The idea of marriage repulsed me ,I hate it ,I thought how two people can tolerate each other for life.I thought marrying this early and that too second time is bogus but all my worries eased one by one. I couldn't get better, man, then Aamir.

We are often attracted to the idea of well established man first and then marriage, but we often forget to witness the journey. We liked the man in a three piece suit, but we forget there was a boy who once wore those cringe outfits.It has a journey in itself. The journey of boy to man . A journey of carefree boy to responsible man I am lucky to witness it with Aamir. I have seen him getting six packs, abs.I have seen him growing full-grown beards.I have witnessed him seeing becoming a domineering man.

I still don't know how he convinced his parents or my family. I neither asked nor he said. When we got married, I thought it was a mistake. I thought it's his childish demand  which soon would be fulfilled and he would get bored of me. I was wrong  he was right.

Over the years, he has grown so much in to me that I feel I am becoming like him. My sorrow and depressing mood has been replaced by a warm smile. This smile is given by him. The way this man ,my man, treated me.In the first year of our marriage, he not even touched.  No dirty talks ,vulgar words, or staring was done by him.

"Your studies is my priority, and it will bot hamper by any means,"he said in the first few days of our marriage, and it relieved my half burden. I don't want to discontinue my studies. Earlier me and karuna were study partners, but after marriage, my husband became my study partner. One day, I was trying to figure out some problems in textbooks, and it was giving me a tough time.He saw me and handed over a chit to me. It has a solution to the problem.It continues for some time, and we didn't realize when we started talking fluently. I have cooked biryani for him as a return favor. As time passed, our study dates turned into movie dates, and we hadn't realized when we crossed the barrier.

I hadn't known this man would treat me this good, but Allah knew that's why we called him the best planner . I have given my life in his hands when nobody was there for me. I cried on prayer mat ,opened my heart to him, and he sent his blessings in the form of Aamir. The man who had seen my scars and healed them. The man who makes me realize that scars aren't bad but a sign of my fight against the evil.It tells about my endurance, patience, and resilience 

"Aamna," a man of my thought called, and he arrived in the room from downstairs. "What's going on ?"his eyes scanned the crumbled papers on the floor. I moved my head in a no. People can call me stupid, but I love to express myself in notes/letters.He told me no for many times, but I love to gift him things mafe by my own with a handwritten note. Today, I did the same . I gestured for him to come near me, and when he did, his eyes softened by full attention from me.

I held his big hand in my soft & small hand  with trembling legs. I took him towards washroom,with accelerated heartbrat ,I have shown him a kit. First, his brows turned in confusion, but when he saw two lines and it registered in his mind . He starts jumping from joy, and I, too , overwhelmed. I hugged him tightly. We have been waiting for this day for the past two years, but somehow, we aren't getting it .Today, we took our first steps towards a happy and complete family. My life wasn't this beautiful earlier today it perfect 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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