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All wedding preparations are over, and the day after tomorrow, I'll be his wife. I might have said yes, but the idea of the whole wedding ficaso looks absurd to me. It's his stubbornness that brings us here. He thinks he loves me, but it's just an illusion. Man likes chase it is just like that. My constant denial brought this situation.

Girls feel happy when they are supposed to get married, but I am an exception. Just like every other thing here, too, I am different. A dry laugh erupted. Karuna isn't here today, and there is no one to calm me right now .

"Aamna, someone came to meet you," our hostel peon shouted from downstairs, and I moved there

"Aamna, we are thinking of a family dinner. Please come ." my mother said, and I didn't budge from my place . Why would I ?

"It's not needed," I replied calmly. By putting havock in my otherwise calm life ,they think I'll like to eat with them.

"Why its not needed ,you are our daughter and its good to eat together,one last time ,Soon you'll be get marriedand we won't meet frequently" My father announced his point of view .

"Like we are meeting until now,"I muttered. I don't know what people want . Why do they pretend to be good when they are not ? Why are they in denial? Why they can't they accept things as it is ."

"We need to forget our past and move on in life," Iqra said, and I looked towards her in disbelief. People want to brush things under carpet. My past formed my present, and no matter how much I try, I can't erase that part of my life. I look around , and my classmates and seniors are giving questioning looks. Tension is visible, but I don't want to create a scene in my place.

"I have to submit an assignment tomorrow, I'll be available only for an hour," I replied calmly. I can't destroy the world that I created for myself . They may cone or go, but I have to spend a few more years on this campus. It's bad for me to become the center of college gossip.

Dinner was as bad as this people are. They think the best things are happening around them . They are going to become relatives of an influential family.There reputation in the community will be increase. Nobody will dare to say anything to them. It surrounded around them I was just listening to their talks . Nobody asked me how I was feeling, and I, too, didn't say anything.

After taking a deep breath ,I left that place. Tears are falling from my eyes . I wished they should ask at least once . They never asked earlier why they should ask now. It doesn't matter to them what I feel. Its about them ,their reputation, their prestige, their feelings. I cried loudly and then realized I had lost my track. I am in a deserted area, but I don't care. Anger is leading me ,I am running in street to calm myself, to drain my energy. Their words echo in my mind

"Forget and move on."

"We fixed your marriage,"

I reached at the dead end of the street, and I stomped my feet on disappointment.
My life isn't a joke . Its my life, but people are doing whatever they want . They even know how difficult it is for me. If someone is able to move on by others instructions/advice there won't be psychological wards in hospitals. Everyone thinks this is not a big deal, but for me, it is.

I have to live with a man in one roof. I have to fulfill some duties towards him and his family. I have to intimate with him. I can't deny conjugal rights to him, but .. I am not ready .


Day before our Nikah, they applied Hina on my hands and wasted my three hours . What's the need for all these stupid rituals. People should jump to direct Nikah day as that's only mentioned in the holy Quran. I don't get it what happiness they are gaining. Can't they see my miserable face ?

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