Illusion or reality

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Its sunday afternoon and I don't want to anything except sleeping.My phone start ringing and picked it up .

"Assalaamalaikum" "  voice of Abba wake me up .

"Waalaikumsalaam"I replied in the tone ,and I can feel happiness over phone. I know it's stupid but I can feel the love of Abba just by listening one word from him . "How are you Abba?" I asked

"I am good, trying to adapt myself in new environment."

"Don't worry, after some months you will be comfortable in Delhi as you are in Lucknow."

"How you can be so sure ,Abba?"

"Because you are my son. I have seen you growing up from infant to teenager.In childhood, you have difficulty in sharing your things and your sisters love to play with your toys. You hate our attention drift from you to them. You don't welcome their arrival and  resists them. we feared that you will grow up resenting them but you proved us wrong. After initial resistance , you accepted them. Same happened when we have shifted you in different school. You were angry because your friend left behind. You hated your new school but eventually you understood our point and accepted your surroundings.Delhi is new today,but ,with passing time,things will be easy. May be you try some crazy stuff to be like them but at the end you will find your comfort zone."

"Thank you so much, Abba. You are best father in the world. You know,I want to come to Lucknow and hug you. I want to kiss your hand ."

"No need to come to Lucknow because you need to attend a wedding in Delhi."

"Which wedding?"

"I trade with this merchant from a very long time. He personally invited us but we can't make it although we want to. Your Ammi and me decided to attend this wedding and meet you too but we can't make it.

"Please come Abba,it would be best ."

"I can't Aamir."

"but Abba I don't know anyone there..

"Don't act like a shy girl Aamir.You are grown up now. I was married at your age.

"Abba please don't start that."Aamir is fed up with this comparison like every other teenager in country. Parents constantly comparing their kids with other kids or comparing their time with kid's time.

"Fine than its final you are going to attend this wedding ."


"One more thing,take Mushtaq with you .You won't feel lonely."

"Its better to be alone than going to be that Mushtaq."he muttered.

"You said something?"

"No,I was just thinking what to wear"he covered up.

"Fine than, take care,Allah Hafiz"

"Allah Hafiz."

Aamir doesn't have will to attend this wedding but his father order can't be denied.He found Mushtaq who was practising photographic tricks.T hey both get ready for the function.Mushtaq is excited as usual to eat  delicious meal.He loves food and he love it more when it's dawat (when someone invite you for food ). They wore shirts and trousers.Comb their hairs ,a spray of perfume and its time to arrive in style.
Wedding venue is mind blowing.At entrance girls sprinkle flowers on every guest ,later perfume were sprayed. Entry gate is decorated with lily and main venue is jaw dropping.Each corner is photogenic

"Aamna" Aamir uttered in confusion,defusing excitement of Mushtaq.

"Dude ,are you crazy or something?"

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