A great friend

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Hina was applied on my hand yesterday and today its start turning red. They were saying that his love is determined by hina colour on my hand and I chuckled  how absurd it is.

I wore a off white gown which has embroidery and sequence work on it. It has full sleeves so only my palms were visible. I have worn hathphool (palmlet) on my hand and rings in all my fingers. This gown has round neck so I wore choker necklace and heavy earrings . I left few strand of my hairs open and rest tied in a bun adorned with jasmine flowers. My makeup is subtle as I am not fan of heavy makeup. A dupatta (long scarf) placed on my hand and I am ready fo my Nikah .

The official asked me if I willing to do this marriage

“I have given away myself in Nikah to you , on the agreed Mahr.”I said and signed on paper of Nikah.

“I have accepted the Nikah.”he said and its announced that we are now husband and wife. Everyone exchanging greetings and distributing sweets . After dinner my parents did my  rukhsati (Departure) and with moist eyes. I said goodbye to them. We start our journey towards Lucknow his home town,leaving Delhi behind.

His family welcomed with open arms in my new home and Anara makes me sit on his bed which decorated with flowers. My heart was beating anxiously.

He arrived in our room and handed me a rose which I took willingly.

"Aamna ,Aamna ,Aamna you have took years to convince "he twirled me with him and than leftme on bed with a jerk.It hurts my buttocks.

"Aamir ?

"You act so pricey all this years but see today  you have presents in my room on my mercy " he looks in my eyes and removed my dupatta forcefully. I flinched as my hairs pulled out due to hairpins used to stick my dupatta on my head .

"Aamir are you crazy?"

"Shut up and remove this jewelry if I'll do it you will be the only one who will injured. "

"I'll not do this ,do as per your wish"and a slap hit my cheeks.

"Aamir you loved me, you can't do this to me.

In few seconds my  dupatta, gown,trousers is gone one by one . Few clothes is torn with no future use and he is on me. Tears is flowing my eyes. I am withering in his death grip

"Aamir ,No

"Aamir leave me


I keep moving and my eyes opened in a dark room. My throat is drying and breathing is fast ,heart is beatingike at would come out of ribcage. I touch my forhead to notice  sweat drops. My  Clothes is drenched in my own sweat and hairs is also wet.

"What it was ?" I sighed

Street light is giving some light to see around . Books are still open which I left few hours ago as I failed to concentrate after Aamir's talk and my upcoming wedding. On left side which is Karuna's almira there is Ganesha statue made up of radium linig is illuminating in room and she is residing on another bed near me . Her phone screen is still on.

"This girl ,she never stop scrolling reels in night. "

I climbed down from my bed and took her phone is my hand to close instagram but there is a voice,

" she was on phone call ,with whom?"

" Your shallow breathing is telling me that you are still there ." I looked towards her,she engulfed herself in bedsheet . I decid to cut call

"Please don't cit the call ,you just keep listening.  I always thought my betrothed might  be  an illiterate fool .She can never matched my standards but when I saw you first time at corridor.  It was love at first sight and when I knew you are my betrothed there is no bound of happiness.......

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