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this chapter is dedicated to this sweet reader Cutygal  who always waited patiently and keep asking for next update


I am sitting on the bench under the baniyan tree like I always do.As Its placesd at secluded place and ideal to discuss personal matter when you don't want to spend on cafes and other places like that. Administration staeted lifting lock down and I am glad things are going back to normal but nothing is normal for me .Aamir has bring another tornedo in my life.At this point I don't want anything but peace and focus on myself. I know ,I am unable to handle relationship and conveyed him but this guy never changes.

I met his sister few days ago and now his parents came to meet me last friday

"Assalamualaikum " that man I encountered in his home ,approached me when I was moving back to my hostel room after attending last lecturer of the day.

"Waalaikumussalam " I replied politely with a tight smile , although it is awkward to speak to people like him.

"We are Aamir's parents " lady besides him introduced and I nodded in acknowledgement.

"How canI help you ?" I don't know what to speak to them so I came to the point directly.

"Aamir told us how much you helped in past few days. I was wondering who was cooking such tasty food. You know about boys they can't cooka proper meal."

"No aunty ,men cook excellent" Karuna jump in between till now I hadn't noticed her presence. " look at chef Sanjeev kapoor ,chef Kunal and Chef Ranvir brar,the way he do food commentary "

"It just wow " lady behind his parents said

"You too Ranvir Brar fan" Karuna exclaimed.

"Yes,all food lover is his fan "once they start both of them hadn't stop talking. Karuna find her perfect companion.I chuckled mentally

"She is Asma,our elder daughter and Aamir's sister ." His mother said and I nodded again.

"Allah what am I doing in this family drama. ?" I looked towards sky.

"We have came to take you for dinner to thank you for all the help you have offered us for past few days."

"No its not needed "

"No, we are saying its needed than there is no scope of argument, its final" his mother said and I know where he get his attitude.

"Actually we are not allowed to stay out after 8 in evening and its already 5 and all time will be waste in commute. " I tried to explain and

" Leave it to me ,I'll handle it " his father said and I went inside my hostel to take permission from my hostel warden .

"What your family is doing at my place ." I send text to Aamir.

"Giving treat to you" he replied

"No needed " I text back.

We went to Old Delhi as its visitors specifically travelers favorite as their are centuries old shops which serves excellent non vegetarian delicacies from Mughal Era.
We seated at a table his parents opposite to me and Asma.We sit besides each other. One by one several plates placed on our table by waiters . Its been years of me trying a five course meal. Last time I ate in a wedding where they served mouth watering dishes. I loved food at that time infact I live for food. Good old days.

"Where are you from ?" His father asked to break the silence.

"Haryana "

"Where in Haryana ?"

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