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"Aamna ,Aamna ,Aamna "Karuna hold my shoulders tightly and make me twirl with her.

"Stop Karuna,my head is spinning."I told her and she stop .I hold my head with my hand and balance myself somehow.

"So my butterfly friend , what makes you so happy today." I asked her who is elated today and don't be surprised by nickname butterfly. Butterfly suits Karuna as she loves to roam here and there plus she fills so many colours in my otherwise black and white life.

"Fresher party is in a week!"she is so excited but I has my reservations for the event.

"What?, you aren't happy"she read my thoughts.

"I am."

"It doesn't look so."


"Whatever be in your mind, throw it in dustbin. Just imagine" she move her hand in style of projecting a camera. "Bossy seniors won't trouble us after freshers.We are free to look around, eyes not downcast. Freedom of wearing stylish clothes" she just lost in thoughts."Oh my god , I am so happy,I so happy.!!!"she did her happy dance and I can't stop myself from smiling. She is addictive.

I let her enjoy and decided that I am not attending the fresher party. I'll talk to sir about that.

"Come in" the voice came after few knock on the door of Mr. Dixit, professor who is guiding students on upcoming fresher party. Our senior needs his approval before organising any activity.

"If you came with excuses for not attending fresher's party ,leave immediately."he said without looking towards me. He is doing paper works and looked tense over something. I bend a little and find he is writing a research paper. Chemical constituents and structures of compounds is clearly indicating it.

"Sir, atleast listen to me." I beg to him and he stopped his paper work. He stand up suddenly and asked me to follow. He is really tall than me and physique is well built. I am not ogling him but noticing the obvious. We are passing the hospital corridor and he is not lacking attention from nurses and other workers. I am not surprised by their gesture, he is very good looking man with good position in such a young age. I wanted the same after few years. His speed slowdown and he stopped near an equally good looking woman. Just few exchanges of words with her and we move ahead.

I find few young doctors are cracking jokes and laughing in hushed voice. After that they moved in wards.

"They are working from more than eight hours." He said .

We encounter few young woman moving with files in hands.

"She is reporting Dr Singh and managing patient records, dealing with their negligence and ignorance towards health."he said looking towards a direction .I followed his gaze and find an ally of patient arguing with her over something. She is maintaining her calm with an angry man.

We move towards emergency wards and their is patient of accidents lying on stretcher ,their body covered in dirt and blood ,Some scenes gave shivering to me.After passing various wards we moved again to college premise.

"Its not that easy like it looks, treating patient is tiring and stressful job. Its necessary to manage a support system besides work. Humour is also necessary to survive in an environment full of cry of pain and misery otherwise you will turned depressed.Dead body and crying relatives is part of our job."

"I got it sir. I am ready to be part of fresher's party "I said and sir moved ahead without saying anything. I have to prepare myself for this upcoming event.


Today is Karuna's birthday and she brings me for a day out. We decided to shop for few items for upcoming fresher's party where Mr and Miss fresher will be selected. We make many plans but mine unpleasant past makes an entry to ruin my present. I hadn't imagine it turned out at the moment like this.

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