Intertwined life

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"Hey buddy, how was your date night?"Mushtaq winked when I entered in the house.

"Not now Mushtaq."

"Why , you hadn't got chance to do ahem ahem things."he giggled like a school girl and honestly I want to punch this guy.

"Shut up , please."I said in low voice and he came at my side.

"Something happened? "

"You guys fought"

"She throwed tantrum."he asking various questions which I don't want to answer till

"Aamna spoilt our date." words blurted out from my mouth.

"This is too much dude ,stop your obsession towards this particular girl."

"I am serious Mushtaq,she came to our table , blurted nonsense,lectured me about Islam...."it looks like a rant but I describe things truthfully.He is not believing me.

"Pahle bhi kaha hai phir kah raha hun Nikaah kar lo Aamna se waise bhi usko yaad kiye bina tumhara koi kaam hota nahi hai ( I said earlier too and now repeating myself,go get married to Aamna as you can't function without her.)" He laughed at me.

"Me and Aamna ,she shall eat me alive.You don't know her, she is very arrogant, proudy and self righteous girl."

"I think, I should meet this girl who brings whole spectrum of emotions in my friend."he proclaimed

"You won't do that and no need to talk with her. You don't need to know her.I know her and that's enough."

"Easy buddy,no need to be possessive about her."

"I am not."I said firmly.

"Okay okay, you are not possessive about Aamna" he put extra pressure on her name and left with a huge grin.

Nerve of this guy, I just hate him but I hate Aamna more. She always irked but this time I'll teach her a lesson.



We raced against the time to reach our hostel gate as we are not allowed to enter the hostel after 8.

"Bach gaye( We are spared)" Karuna said after entering in our room . I agreed with her. We had managed to reach our place with a thin margin, five minutes more and we would be denied from entrance.

We are breathing rapidly due to running about 500 meter. Adrenaline rush is still not over. We let our body fall on the bed . We look each other and smile came on our place. Although our body is exhausted we are happy with today's events.

"I hadn't imagined my birthday this way.Thank you so much for making it special for me."she said and I just smile. 'Its my duty as a friend etc etc is not my thing. If I care for someone I try my best to make them feel special. I don't mind compliment from friends and family.

"Let's play a game and know each other better."I said


"Favourite food?"

"Dal bati and churma"she immediately said."and yours?"

"Its my turn silly, ask about me when your turn came."

"Okay"she pouted like a child and I giggled. She is so adorable. I feel like Iqra is just sitting beside me. She is just like her,same child like innocence, happy go attitude. At home Iqra eased my worries and here Karuna take away all gloom of my life. My little one became my biggest strength to if she wasn't there ...

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