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"khamma khani Papa" Karuna was greeting her father on video call and Aamna tried hard to not to  pay attention to their conversation for her own good.

"Khamma khani,How are you my princess?" the affection can't be missed from his voice.

"I am good papa,How are you ?Are you taking you medicine on time? Don't do brisk walking and don't you dare lifting weight and climbing stairs."

"Easy,easy my princess,dont act like my mother,I am still your father and I can take care of myself."he assured her

" Okay"she scoffs

"Don't be upset my princess,Tell me are you eating well."

"I do papa"

"Are you liking the taste of food? Should I arrange an alternative?"

"Don't worry Papa ,Food is good and if I don't like I go to cafeteria .If you don't believe me than ask Aamna "she said and tilted her phone towards Aamna. Aamna isn't ready for so many reasons but the top most is sweet father daughter talk .

"Hello uncle"she greet him . Her father has dark circle under eyes, skin lost it's firmness and brightness. Facial wrinkles makes him look like a man in seventies than his actual age which is fifty.Overall he  doesn't look like a healthy man.

"Hello Aamna ,are you two doing well?

"Yes ,we are doing fine uncle."

"You can say me if you need something,I can send things if you need it.Dont think I am stranger you are just like my Karuna"

"No uncle I am good ,I don't need anything "she said and handover the phone to Karuna.Aamna's heart feel heavy .She can handle rough language,taunt or abusive language but she can't handle sweet words .It reminds her a very affectionate person.The person who can upside whole world for her.The one who doesn't want to see her face today. Her presence upset his mood.She fails to stop her tears from falling her eyes.She locks herself in toilet and pour her heart out.

"Abba ,I miss you so much. I miss the old you the one who loved me."

"Abba ,hum iss bari cycle lenge (Abba, I'll buy cycle this time)" eight year old Aamna demanded in her soft voice.

"Aamu ,stop troubling your father,this year...

"No Shabnam"

"Aamu ,if you will behave good throughout the year , don't trouble your mother and perform well in school than I'll buy you cycle."her father present the deal infront of her.

"Okay,Ammu , your cycle is at stake"her father tried to lure her.


Year passed away and Aamna  performed really well in academics. She was not a brilliant student but hard work of whole year paid off and she scored second highest marks in whole school. Her father distributed sweets in whole colony. He proudly said it to everyone. He stopped everyone passing near their house and feed him sweets.

Her favourite Hero cycle came the one with extension which prevents kids from falling down. It has safety measures still her father used to came early from shop to teach her riding bicycle.

"Ooch"she collided with a pole and fall down on the concrete road. Small pabbles penetrated her skin around her knees and elbows. She started crying loudly and her father picked up her in his arms. He keep relaxing her during dressing of her wounds. Her father cracked so many jokes and told stories of his childhood when he fell down from a tree. It happened with everyone. Its a symbol of growing up.
She learnt riding bicycle. She often took Iqra ,her sister, to their shop in market. Then Husain born ,the tiny monster who used to pee in her lap.

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