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Scars reminds you ,you were weak,stupid and pathetic at one point of life.


We may move away from things which caused damage to ourselves. Our wound can be filled but there will be scars which reminds you,what you were. Why you get them. When a warrior looks scars on his body ,it reminds his bravery which he showcased in battlefield. When people like me looks scars it reminds us ,our stupid choices which leads us to here.

This scars makes me hate myself for being weak,my cowardice. How I can let others overruled my concise. Who is responsible for all this .only me and myself. Again and again I am the one who becomes emotional fool and it cost me dearly.

Aamir is right when he says there is heartbroken girl behind this facade but he doesn't know everything is broken inside and around her. She is broken into so many pieces that she can't even  recognize herself. She posed herself as strong girl because there is no option left. She can't cry forever or remains in victim mode.

I am searching books in library and I find something is wrote after my lines. When I was feeling too much distress I wrote on a sticker of library
"Sometimes an event defines you."

"Sometimes an event transform you "

This is written after my lines which brings smile on my face.I know who has wrote this. My response was out of misery but his response showcased bright side of story. No matter what happened in life if end is well ,all is well.  He too believes in this.

Though I still didn't accept that those things should have happened. I would be in better mental place if all those things won't proceed.

"You don't need an event to transform you. " I wrote on a chit and place it on bookshelve. I hear some sounds  from behind the rack. It feels someone is there but why.. I removes some books to see what's going on behind bookshelve.

Sight in front of me is astonishing.Karuna is in the arms of our bossy senior.It surprised me ,I hadn't  expected this from her. As per her story she can't mingle with someone else as she is already betrothed. Is she cheating on him or she is ready to break her alliance.  Is this new found attraction brings her to here, where she is compromising her modesty. Is she not different. She is same like other girls who keep doing all kind of dating. This is the work she is doing for him.She tries to move away and trips again and he hold her. They exchange looks and he make her stand on her feet.
He moves two steps behind and kneel at her feet.My heartbeat increases, I never saw a man like him who carries such a dominating personality kneeling infront of a woman.

He carefully removes shoe lace which is stuck under her another feet . He was tying shoe lace of her sneakers but it felthe is tyingher to himself. The girl who can't stand still for one second, standing there as a statue. I look towards her and it feels her breath is stuck in her chest.He stands when he completed task in hand ,look in her eyes ,whispered something in her right ear and leaves. She exhale her breath the moment he left. She wiped sweat drop appeared on her forhead. She moves her fingers in her hairs in frustration. She stomped her feet on ground and tried to throw away her sneakers till she realized she is in library.

I picked pharmacology book and start making notes. My eyes were glued on book but mind is wandering far far away. The way he kneel and tied knot on her shoes that scene etched in my memory. I never saw soft sides of man ,for me man is synonyms of  authority. How come a mqn can be so soft and gentle towards a female figure.
Is it the meaning of having soft corner for someone?

What runs in the mind of that person

You cared for that person and tried to leave  your authoritative behavior in front of them.
You became vulnerable in front of them ,you know they can misuse it but you can't help it.
Your touch became gentle, your voice became soft ,your behavior became careful and you became pure.

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